Between Two Pines: 52 Poems into a Magical Year

With a poem for each week of the changing year, and including ten original magical experiments for you to try, Between Two Pines invites you into the magical life. Joanna Brook’s richly descriptive poems lead you through garden and forest to creek, stone circle, and the cosmos of relationship. 

Joanna wrote these poems in the spirit of collaboration, hoping to light the way for your own writing experiments. None of us create in a vacuum; honoring the collaborative process magnifies and uplifts all creativity. 

From the introduction by @k8belew:

“These poems invite you, Reader, to create and write poetry, too. They act as path, portal, mirror. There are poets inside each of us, and Joanna shapes (and then shares via the poem’s speaker) a life through this impulse, this ritual, a spell.  Joanna returns repeatedly to the altar of the creative process and, therefore, builds an altar of the poems themselves.”

Order your signed copy from the poet!