My process for creating a magical space out of my home

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

I recently moved into my own space, and this gave me the opportunity to create a magical space out of my home, because the space is entirely my own to design and shape as I please. I decided to employ principles of organic design that I’ve been learning about from Christopher Alexander’s works as well as Sarah Goldhagen’s work on the topic. Both of these people, as far as I know don’t practice magic. They are architects that help design buildings and landscapes. Their knowledge of designed space is quite profound and has been very useful to me in developing a space of my own that not only reflects who I am but allows me to turn my lived in space into a spiritual sanctuary for my magical practice.

I mention their works because as always I find that the majority of my inspiration in magical practices comes from outside the magical current, where the perspectives of other disciplines can be fruitfully employed to inform the way we practice magic. In this case, I’ve taken the principles these authors have described in their books and used them to help me create an organic generative space that enhances my spiritual work, connects with the entity of the home I’m living in (and allows it to become part of the spiritual work), and at the same creates a space that is very comfortable for people who want to visit. In this article, I will walk you through my thought process and the overall development of this as a case study example of how spatial design can be employed to create an ongoing magical space to work and live in.

In the above picture, you can see my office. I purposely chose the desk, because it provides enough room for both my computer and the computer for my day job. I also chose it because it would allow me to hang my wealth magic magnet workings upside down, which enables me to use gravity and magnetism in the wealth magic workings that the magnets are dedicated to. I chose the carpet to create a soft space for my feet, but also because the color works with the paint on the walls and enhances the overall energy of the room. The overall aesthetic function of the office is designed to improve creativity and productivity while also giving me a space I enjoy working in. It also enhances the wealth magic I’m working around my classes, books, and other services and products I offer.

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

The picture above this paragraph shows the ritual room, with books that at the time were packed away. As you can see though I’ve already started to create a specific space in this room, with careful consideration given to where the bookshelves, art, and ritual items are placed. As you can see some art is placed on the ceiling to optimally use all available space and create a specific environment for the ritual work that is done in this room. Each bookshelf has ritual items placed on it, both for ease of finding those items, but again to also simultaneously empower those magical items and have them in turn feed the energy of the room.

In the picture you see books placed into the bookshelves. Even the placement of the books is factored into the creation of the ritual space. Books are purposely placed in relationship to the spiritual items that represent the energies of those books, so that the books can be used as spiritual batteries for the energy of the room and the spiritual objects, even as in turn the books are fed by the room and spiritual objects. This creates a continuous cycling of the spiritual energy which is projected throughout my home, with the understanding that every activity performed in the home becomes part of the overall magical current being manifested in this home.

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

This is a couch seat that I picked up at a vintage shop in PDX and brought with me to my new home. It was suggested by my magical partner, and I quickly saw the wisdom of her suggestion, because of how comfortable the couch seat is. I’ve already used it for meditation practices in the sanctuary space. It’s also where I’m reading my books, listening to music and overall enjoying the space of my new home. Factoring in both comfort and aesthetic is important for creating a designed space, because you want it to be a space you genuinely enjoy, while also being a space that looks good to you. The organic generative aspect of it is found in the choice to be in a specific environment that creates an overall sense of purpose and enjoyment and enhances the activities of your life. The more time you spend in a given environment, the more that environment creates a shared experience between you and the entity of the house, bonding you together so that when magical work is done, the home itself becomes an amplifying force the magical work.

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

The final picture (below) is of the bedroom and as with the other room, it has art on the walls and ceiling, and even a bannister of elephants hanging above the window. The bed itself was chosen with my comfort in mind, as was the pillows and blanket, again to create a specific space of comfort and refuge and rest where I could restore myself at the end of each day. I wanted to enhance the overall sense of rest and relaxation by choosing an aesthetic that would encourage rest and also provide a sense of distance from the cares of the outside world.

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2021

You won’t find this approach in modern occult texts (other than in Feng Shui and Vastu), because almost no one really thinks of applying the concepts of architectural design or for that matter considers creating a permanent magical space. Yet this illustrates why we mustn’t limit ourselves myopically to just drawing on the occult disciplines. We must expand beyond them and look at how all disciplines can be applied to sacromagical work. When we apply disciplines outside of magic to magical practice, what we create are opportunities for innovation and advancement that are sorely needed. The intentional development of a permanent or a semi-permanent magical space enables to us soften reality more easily because the continuous application of magic through principles of organic design creates an ongoing experience where the very structure of the home becomes part of your magical work, continually applying what you do to the world around you as well as within you.