How to attune your intuition to the right timing

One of the ways that I work with my intuition involves connecting it to the right sense of timing, in terms of taking action on something that I want to manifest. Not all moments are equal and the right timing can make all the difference in terms of manifesting results that allow you to move forward in the directions you want to go in. Bad timing, on the other hand, can hold you back, preventing you from succeeding because you are picking the wrong time to take action.

Some of the ways you can determine the right timing can involve learning about your astrological cycles and using those to help you take action or doing divination to ascertain when you want to take action on a given project. A way that I tap into the timing is also through the aid of spirits that I am working with. For example, there have been several times this last year that Saturn advised me to take action on specific situations. I had done magical workings to call the Saturnic influence into my life and work with it, and given that Saturn plays an integral role in time, it didn’t surprise me when there were some moments where I clearly received a message that NOW was the time to act.

For instance, during my house buying process I looked at a number of houses, but none of them felt quite right. Then I woke up one day and got the message, “Today you’ll find your house.” My magical partner also told me to go buy a house and it felt like she was tapping into that same current. I want out with the realtor and the first house I visited felt right. I put and offer in and by the end of the weekend had it accepted. There were some other facets to that experience, but the timing played a role and my receptivity to the spirits (as well as my partner’s intuition) clearly made me aware that it was time to buy a house. Interestingly enough an astrological reading I received also indicated a time span that would be ideal for me to buy a house and I saw the house on the very first day of that time span, which was the beginning of a saturnic cycle for me.

There are multiple ways to attune your intuition to the right timing. One way that I find helpful involves paying attention to your body rhythms. Your body is often attuned to the subtler aspects of reality around you and will tell you something about the environment around you that you can draw on. If you spend time working with your body consciousness through meditation, qi gong or some other type of activity it can help you start paying attention to the more subtle messages that your body is sending. Intuition is one of those subtle messages and so is timing, so you can combine that awareness of time with intuition to help you determine the best moment to take action.

Take a given situation where you need the right timing. Do some meditation or some qi gong or something else to tune into your bodily awareness and once you are tuned in, bring the situation up and ask your body to notify you of when you should take action. When the time comes you’ll feel a sense of intuitive awareness, a ping on your consciousness that will tell you to take action. It may come in the form of a picture or words or it may just be a sensation. Take action then, because what is happening is you are tuning into the optimal moment that you’ll have the success you want.

These seems like a simplistic approach to take to tuning into the timing of a moment, but you have to keep in mind that you don’t need to make something more complex than it already is. Tapping into your intuition can be an experience where you feel into the awareness you already have available to you and trust that it will help you get what you need.