Fear as the seed of potential in your life

Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

Photo by Akil Mazumder from Pexels

When you think of the experience of fear, or feel the experience of fear, what comes to mind or feeling? I can’t speak for you, but what I’ve learned to do over the years is embrace fear. It isn’t always easy, but it is always empowering, because when I embrace my fear, I’m no longer letting it dictate my existence, but instead using it to motivate and drive me.

The depiction of fear, when it’s not horror movies, is that fear paralyzes us or causes us to run and hide from what we’re afraid of (for that matter, its the same in horror movies). But if we take a different approach to fear, one where we recognize how fear can be a useful ally and helper in our quest to deal with the circumstances that come into our lives, then we can change how we handle fear.

I recently did a hypnodrift session with Ingo Komenda, where we worked through some fear I was feeling around recent changes in my life. What the experience I had showed me was that I could take my fear and recognize that it could be the seed of opportunity, if I allowed it to be. So each time, since that session, I’ve been taking whatever fear comes up and feeding it into this seed that embodies the fear, but also embodies the possibility.

What has happened since then is that I’ve linked other moments of great feat to this seed experience, making it so that any past fear also feeds into this image and prompts even more possibilities to occur across the multiple points of time I’ve access to.

What I’ve realized is that this seed experience doesn’t have to apply to one time or space. It can be applied across the moments of my life, because its something I’ve created and it is an access point to my experiences of fear, and a way of transmuting that fear into opportunity and possibilities. When I had this realization I altered the seed experience and set it up so that it could be fed by any moment of fear and could in turn offer some possibility and hope to a given moment.

We can have a state of experience in one moment and find a way to spread it out to the multiplicity of moments available to us, because a state of experience isn’t limited to one moment. It’s something that can be expanded provided we remember that any given moment, singular as it may seem, is a seed of potential itself, to all the other moments that are connected through the living of your life. Your life is one giant moment, and the illusion is the measurement of time that we buy into. While we may not be able to change specific circumstances that have happened, it doesn’t mean we can’t still influence ourselves and provide some source of strength and hope to help us move forward during the difficult times, and celebrate the times of fortune.

In this case, I took this state and imagined it connecting all the points in the past and future that may come, where I would need to turn the fear I was feeling into courage and embrace the opportunity instead of focusing on whatever was lost. It’s a good reminder that the states of being we experience can be adapted to help us and in ways that can be spread out across time and space, instead of just focused in one moment.