alternate realities

Visions of alternative realities and space/time magic

My girlfriend recently told me about a short story she was reading from Sooner or Later Everything Falls into the Sea by Sarah Pinkser. In this story the main character is just one of many different versions of the same person and she is invited to a convention where she gets to meet the alternate versions of herself. I started reading the short story and it reminded me of a technique I came up with long time ago, and shared in my book Space/Time Magic.

The technique works along a similar premise, namely that there are alternate versions of ourselves and each version of yourself has something about them that is different from you. However they also have a connection to you, namely being an alternate version of yourself that is tied to you through your identity. I think its possible to connect with alternate versions of yourself utilizing magic in order to exchange information, swap skills, and otherwise interact with the alternatives of you. I have used meditation and pathworking techniques to connect with my alternate versions and this has proven to be a helpful process for skill swapping.

The way it works is that you pick a skill that you want to learn. There is an alternate version of yourself that knows this skill. For example, say you aren’t very good at managing money. You could connect with a version of yourself that has really good money management skills. That version of yourself can share those skills with you through spiritual transmission. You are already connected to each other by virtue of being the same person, albeit with some differences so the process of transmission is very easy.

You do a pathworking where you visualize the DNA spiral of the universe. The spiral contains infinite versions of the world and each version has a version of you in it. Seek out the world that has the version of you that has the skills or information your desire. Call out to that version of yourself or invoke yourself into the version.

When I connect with a version of myself that has skills I want, then I also have to determine what skills I can offer to that version that it may want. What I’ll do is a skill swap where I’ll transmit the skill I have to my alternate self in return for the they have that I want. For example a long time ago I reached out to a version of me that had really good financial skills and asked for those skills so I could become better at finances. In return I gave him some skills around spiritual work.

It can be fascinating to connect with alternate selves. I do this working every so often and I always find it insightful because it gives me a glimpse of my life if I had gone down a different path and made other choices. I still have this life I’m living but there are alternate versions of me living different lives and all of us have something to offer to each other.