Dual Deck Oracle Divinations and Spellweaving

Do you want a practical magical working that simultaneously provides you information about the situation and allows you to influence the outcome of the situation?

If your answer is yes, Dual Deck Oracle Divinations and Spellweaving may be for you.

In Dual Deck Spellweaving, I do a dual-deck reading with my Alchemy and Elemental cards (see picture below), and use them to not only provide you information about the situation, but do a practical magical working for the purposes of helping you steer the situation toward a desirable outcome and result.

For this working, we would schedule a one-on-one confidential video conference, in which I would do the reading for you and once the reading was done, make alterations to the reading, in order to effect the outcome of the situation.

Dual Deck Spellweavings are $110 per session. Click the button below to schedule a time and day for the reading.

Here are some testimonials from happy customers:

I wanted a Spell Weaving session with Taylor because I took his course on what magick is last year and after watching some of his videos on Youtube more recently. I went back and forth about scheduling a reading for a few months, but finally did it after realizing how long I'd felt stuck. Taylor was very professional and personable and he really seemed to know what he was talking about. The reading itself was very detailed and insightful and he asked really good, thought-provoking questions which I will have to think about over the next week or two. It feels amazing to finally have some clarity on where I'm at now (I thought I knew, but realized I didn't) and it feels even better to have a sense of the best way to move forward from here. My only regret is that I didn't schedule a session with him months ago. Thanks Taylor! - Joe M.

I'm so deeply impressed by my reading with Taylor, and it's no surprise because Taylor is one of the most practiced and most devoted magickians I've ever.  The decades of study, ceremony and practice that he brings to the table are evident: from the very first turn of a card, he was able to shine a light on situations and offer piercing insight and corrections to integrate and implement.  One of the most prescient and accurate readings I ever received, with strategies to move me towards my intentions and goals.  I don't think I can offer higher praise than this: I'm a professional Tarot reader and diviner, and I get my cards read by Taylor Ellwood. - Leni Hester