I'm Taylor Ellwood.
I began practicing magic when I was 16, but even before I was 16 I wanted magic to be real. I would read fantasy books and wonder what it would be like actually practice magic. Then when I was 16, I discovered Magic as real. A friend of mine sat me and down and told me about his magical experiences and at the end I asked him for books to read. Thus began my life long love relationship with magic.
What’s really driven me to practice magic is my insatiable curiosity. I had lots of questions as a kid and those questions have only multiplied since, but what Magic provided me was a means to get answers and ask more questions. It provided me a way to explore my sense of self, my place in the universe and of course the various mysteries of the universe.
When I first started practicing magic I learned neo-shamanic and Hermetic practices of magic. Right from the beginning I blended the two practices together and started experimenting to see what could be done with magic.
I eventually learned Quabalah, Ceremonial and Ritual Magic, Chaos Magic. Taoist meditation, and Dzogchen Meditation. All of these practices continue to be a part of my magical work and yet throughout all of them I have tried experiment and explore how they could be melded together.
And my experimentation hasn’t stopped there. I have also created my own magical systems around my interests:
Pop Culture Magic - My system for applying magic to pop culture and modern media.
Space/Time Magic - My system for applying elements of space, time, imagination and memory to create results.
Inner Alchemy - My system for working with cells and neurotransmitters and the body.
Magical Identity - My system of identity work used to change your internal beliefs.
I experiment with magic because I want to see what it can and can’t do and because I want to evolve the discipline of magic, to explore the mysteries and questions that are waiting to be discovered.
I write fiction, which you can find on my sister website Imagine Your Reality.
I coach men and help them explore the spiritual mysteries of masculinity at Inner Alchemy Coach.