Testimonials from Taylor’s clients
There is a definition that says a genius is a person who can see patterns in one field and project them into other fields. Taylor fits that definition. He has an amazing ability to take information from mundane subjects like business, science, psychology and more, and apply them in creative ways to his speciality — magick. He does what others in his field haven’t even considered. And, he teaches it! And, very well! He accepts you where you are, and gently guides you into sophisticated esoteric principles and practices that work!
If you have an opportunity to read one, or more, of Taylor’s books, do so. You will be rewarded. If you have the chance to take a class he offers, you will benefit immensely. And, if you are able to take a live class with him — don’t even think about it… Just enroll! He is a gifted and ethical teacher. He has a profound knowledge that he generously shares with his students, and in a way that makes sense to them. More importantly, he speaks in their terms; He makes his teachings pragmatic and practical; And, he is very conscientious to make certain his students grasp what he is teaching!
— Dale, Alaska
Your approach to magical work is some of the best I've ever seen - so precise, stimulating, and well paced. I am very glad to have stumbled across your work. And I appreciate how responsive you are to comments!
-Charlsie Kruger
To say that these past five months have been very difficult and taxing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually would be a bit of an understatement. A little less than two weeks ago my body started to have a severe reaction to all of the stress, the right side of my face, specifically around my right eyes started to swell. I did seek medical attention. I saw two different doctors, neither could conclude what was going on with me. I reached out to a few people as to figure out some other means to help myself. Taylor Ellwood was one of those people.
After talking a little bit and letting him know a bit more about my situation, Taylor gave me the brilliant advice of approaching my ailment by means of working with my neurotransmitters. With all the stress I had been going through it was more than likely that my body was reaction to the immense buildup of Histamine, I completely agreed as it was the same conclusion I had come to. Then Taylor suggested that I try to work with Histamine as spirit. It took me about half a day to translate this advice into a specific working, but once I did, the results were so astounding that it blew me away. In less than a week's time I went from my eye being almost completely swollen shut to back to normal!
Without his magical expertise and amazing out-of-the-box thinking I would not have been able to take his advice and transform it into such a beautifully effective working. Thank You Again Taylor!
— Rachel Bug
What a joy the spirit communication class was! You have a very special and inviting energy that made the information clear, personal and seem possible.
I've applied some of your suggestions and already sensing an opening in my communications. I drew a seal for my communing time with Hekate and it has proved to be a wonderful tool - like a portal into a channel I share with her. Very personal, lovely.
— Rick Stewart
I wanted a Spell Weaving session with Taylor because I took his course on what magick is last year and after watching some of his videos on Youtube more recently. I went back and forth about scheduling a reading for a few months, but finally did it after realizing how long I'd felt stuck. Taylor was very professional and personable and he really seemed to know what he was talking about. The reading itself was very detailed and insightful and he asked really good, thought-provoking questions which I will have to think about over the next week or two. It feels amazing to finally have some clarity on where I'm at now (I thought I knew, but realized I didn't) and it feels even better to have a sense of the best way to move forward from here. My only regret is that I didn't schedule a session with him months ago. Thanks Taylor! - Joe M.
I'm so deeply impressed by my reading with Taylor, and it's no surprise because Taylor is one of the most practiced and most devoted magickians I've ever. The decades of study, ceremony and practice that he brings to the table are evident: from the very first turn of a card, he was able to shine a light on situations and offer piercing insight and corrections to integrate and implement. One of the most prescient and accurate readings I ever received, with strategies to move me towards my intentions and goals. I don't think I can offer higher praise than this: I'm a professional Tarot reader and diviner, and I get my cards read by Taylor Ellwood.
— Leni Hester
Dear fellow practitioners and enthusiasts,
I am writing to share my incredible experience working with Taylor Ellwood, a renowned occultist and prolific writer in the field of magick. Taylor's expertise and skill in creating magickal servitors are unparalleled, and I am thrilled to share my positive experience with his services. Taylor's customization and attention to detail exceeded my expectations, leading me to commission six additional servitors. Each entity was carefully crafted to adapt to my specific needs. This adaptability has proven invaluable in enhancing my magickal workings.
Activating the servitors was effortless, thanks to Taylor's clear instructions and support. Since incorporating these entities into my practice, I have noticed tangible benefits and improvements in my magickal pursuits. Taylor's professionalism, knowledge, and genuine passion for the craft are evident in the quality of his servitors. I wholeheartedly recommend Taylor Ellwood's services to anyone seeking a custom-made entity to enhance their practice. The investment in his expertise is worth it, as the results speak for themselves. Feel free to contact Taylor for your magickal servitor needs; you will be satisfied.
With gratitude
— JJ
I love learning from Taylor Ellwood whether from his books or his classes. He has a completely different background and magickal practice from me, so it is always fascinating. While our practices are quite different, what I learn is applicable and usablet. I recently took his Advanced Space/Time magic and really enjoyed the class. In there he talks about using "flow magick" rather than "will magick" and while I had never thought about things in those terms, it made complete sense to me. I have already. begun adding what I learned in this class to my daily practice. I highly recommend Taylor Ellwood as a teacher. — Crescent
I definitely gained a wider perspective on spirit work, especially on how our relationship with them can be more mutually beneficial rather than having it be just about "me, me, me." You have given a lot of actionable info for me to apply in my spiritual practice. I liked hearing your answers and insights as informed by your experiences and magickal backgrounds. — Frances
Taylor Ellwood writes about magic, and I think he does so wonderfully. The subject matter of his books and courses is pretty unique in that you won’t find others writing about those subjects, or if they do they don’t give out much information. Taylor gives you a lot of information, along with practical advice worth listening to and trying out. His course on Retroactive Magic for example gives you a very different take on working with past memories, and I’ve found his technique to be very useful to me. Definitely check him out. — Cheryl Evans
As a fan of Taylor's books since I first read the second edition of "Pop Culture Magick" in the late 2000's, I jumped at the opportunity to take a class taught by him on the Inner Alchemy of Wintering after being lead to do so by my guides. It was a greater decision than I could've imagined! I grew so much in only a few weeks and came out of it with many skills that I didn't even realize were missing in my magical arsenal. I also developed a connection to the energies of silence, stillness, and emptiness and learning to access these connections helped me in kicking a lot of bad habits that I was only partaking in to fill a void. I would recommend working with Taylor to a friend and would definitely take another class with him in the future! - Dark Arcana
I really enjoyed Taylor's Wintering course. In the age of "do more" and "rest less," it was really refreshing to take a course that helps you remember how to rest, recover, and revive. Taylor's course helps you remember how to give yourself permission to take care of yourself and nurture yourself with a purposeful period of quiet and withdrawal. After I emerged from my first purposeful wintering, I found myself full of new energy and creativity. I highly recommend this course to anyone needing a rest and reset. You won't regret it! - Camille P.
Taylor’s reading about my recent job loss propelled me to think differently about my situation and possible outcomes for a brighter future. During the reading, Taylor identified how misaligned and unhappy I had been and suggested areas for new employment. I absorbed his advice and decided to conduct a national search for a new position. Within three months, I was offered a new job in another state, where I am respected and valued for my skill set. Moving to another state wasn’t on my radar, but Taylor’s reading of remaining open to new possibilities gave me the confidence to move forward. I am an older worker, so landing a new and meaningful job so quickly was amazing. Moreover, I never imagined feeling so confident, engaged and supported in my work as I am today! - Robynn
I have been following Taylor for years and have participated in many of his classes, groups, etc. In late August of 2019 I was privileged to receive a tarot reading with Taylor over the phone as I was in Minnesota and he was in Oregon. I have been a tarot reader for over 30 years, I do readings for myself and have done thousands for others, I have never had a more insightful and accurate reading than the one Taylor did for me. The things Taylor said were extremely accurate at that time and continue to be occurring as per his reading. I followed many of the changes that reading was recommending. My life has changed dramatically and for the better! I am happier, healthier, more grounded, serene and in such a great place in my life. I have let go of so much baggage, toxic people things, and have even moved halfway across the country. I currently live in a state of awe and gratitude both to the Divine and to Taylor. His reading absolutely and without a doubt changed and improved my life for the better! In hope, joy, love, serenity and Interconnectedness - Gayle Wyant
Taylor does a lot of consulting work through his web site, and recently posted on Instagram about how he was doing a 12 month forecast for himself to gain some insight into the upcoming year. As someone who never gets his cards read, I liked that idea, and being knee deep in a lot of personal and extracurricular changes, I decided having Taylor as second set of eyes would be helpful.
I won't get into the details of the forecast, but I had a set goal of what I wanted going in. One particular task I was working on was my focus, and I didn't discuss any of it with Taylor ahead of time. I wanted unadulterated insight, letting Taylor pull the cards and read the images. Then I could take his interpretation and apply it to what I was working on, adding its own patterns to what my intuition was telling me. To borrow from my occupation, in many ways, it's like pair-programming—sitting at the same desk (or Zoom), working together on the same problem. Taylor brought insights from his perspective that I might have missed.
The key here, however, is trust. I didn't need a charlatan guardrail up with Taylor. I could relax into the process and run with the results. I knew he wasn't going to feed me any exaggerations. There are very few "card readers" I give that leeway to—hence why I don't get my cards read—but Taylor is one of those people. It made the process all the more productive. - M Szul
About ten years ago I had a phone consultation with Taylor. At the time he told me there were two paths in my life: one physical and one spiritual. The physical path at that time was just about perfected with good health and a good finanacial foundation after many years of hard work. Once I retired, he explained, I would once again tread down the spiritual path, which I had put on the back burner years ago due to time limitations. However, the spiritual path would include some problems, he said, once I began my journey. One of those problems was some sort of problem with my heart, due to the energy movements as my chakras began to open up.
Five years after that reading, five years ago today, I retired from my job. I once again took up the spiritual path I had once loved. I got back into my studies of astrology, the kabalah, meditation and some magik. AfterI began doing the Middle Pillar meditation, I noticed that my heart would sometimes beat quite quickly. This progressed to the point where I began to experience bouts of tachycardia. Eventually it became so severe that I went to the emergency room and was forced to have a mildly intrusive heart operation called heart ablation surgery. That was 3 years ago.
After the operation I remembered the reading I had with Taylor that predicted this event. I tried desperately, but in vain, to find him again for another reading after that operation, but I was unable to remember his name. Just 2 weeks ago I stumbled upon his name again while purchasing a kindle book online by a writer who recommended Taylor's books.
So, I called him and made another appointment. The reading happened last week. He skillfully honed in on my current problem - an injury to my right shoulder. He described the injury in detail but more importantly spent most of the reading discussing the most important thing. That is, accept the aging process and honor the body and don't try to force things at the gym until enough time had passed for the shoulder to heal. Then to accept that my body has aged and can no longer do the things it once did. In other words, page homage to Saturn, Father Time, and accept the limitations that we are all subjected to as humans.
However, continue to meditate and use some magik to help with the healing process. If you are looking for a life coach to cheer you on and advise you to stare into the mirror each morning and recite a mantra telling yourself fifty times that you are wonderful and beautiful and happy and rich and strong, Taylor is not for you. But, if you want an incredibly accurate reading along with some intuitive, solid advice on what is at the root of your current problem and how to move into the future from there with the insight, understanding and skills needed to gain success and self-esteem, this guy is for you. And, his books are wonderful as well. -William R.