death stranding

What Death Stranding can teach you about spiritual work

One of the games I’ve been playing lately is Death Stranding. It’s a fascinating unique game, where you build structures, while trying to deliver packages to different locations, all while trying to avoid ghosts and mules (delivery people gone rogue). But that description really doesn’t begin to do justice to what the game is about. Over on my fiction blog, I’ve written about the connection aspect of the game, but here I thought I would write about the spiritual aspect, because this game has made think about my own spiritual journey quite a bit.

In Death Stranding, you have to figure out the best possible path to deliver your goods, without letting them get damaged and that isn’t necessarily easy, even with the array of tools you have available to help you. You have to figure out how to navigate the inevitable obstacles, both natural and unnatural that you encounter and you need to be patient and take your time. It’s a lot like spiritual work actually.