Advanced Inner Alchemy of Life

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The body is a universe that contains multitudes of wonder to be discovered by the magician or inner alchemist who is bold enough to explore the intricacies of biodiversity and neurochemical richness. In Advanced Inner Alchemy of Life, Taylor Ellwood becomes your guide on a journey that will enable you to learn how to work and play with your body and all of its hidden treasures.

This class is for you if you want to learn how to be more present with your body and your mind, while also learning how to create altered states of consciousness and being through the relationships you form with the life within your body. This class is also for you if you want to learn an approach to inner alchemical work that allows you to change the chemistry of your brain, unlock the potential of your mind and senses and create a viable system that you can consistently use to shape your mind.

How do I know this?

Because 27 years ago I created a magical working where I went into my brain and adjusted my neurochemistry so that I wouldn’t be depressed anymore. And what I discovered that day is that the brain and body are very easy to work with, provided you know how to connect with them.

In Advanced Inner Alchemy of Life I’m going to share with you my system for working with your body and your brain so you can achieve greater mental and physical health and wellbeing and in the process learn how to draw on the full potential of your body and mind. You will learn the following:

  • My unique system of experiential embodiment where you use both your psychic and somatic senses to engage your body physically and spiritually.

  • How to connect with neurotransmitters, body organs, and all the other life in your body through spirit work and create a conscious and deliberate connection with them.

  • How to use Meditation techniques to stimulate altered states of awareness

  • How to anchor and evoke those altered states of awareness whenever you need them.

  • How to use art magic to create an alphabet of desire to connect with the spirits of your body.

  • and much more!


It was pure magic to have the opportunity to learn, practice, and embody Inner Alchemy explorations with Taylor. If you haven't read his books on the topic, they are themselves life-changing. Going deeper with Taylor and the group allowed the information to land and be embodied (which is what it is all about!) Taylor shared his magical practices, realizations, insights and wisdom, gave us clear ways in which we can start building our own Inner Alchemy practices and held the space that as magicians, it is all about experimenting and discovering our own way of relating to our bodies and the magic they contain in practical, actionable, and grounded ways.

This is my favorite quote from Taylor, and sums up perfectly the interdependent journey he guides us on:

Magic is the realization of an interdependent system of life that needs every part to bring forth the hidden potential. It is also a methodology [process] that can be used as a stress on the interconnected system, to manifest change in it."  - Taylor Ellwood

It really is about the interdependence and interconnectedness. The systems in our bodies, our relationships with them, with different traditions and magical practices, with the wider group of magicians that all add their unique flavour and magic to the cauldron. If you have an opportunity to take a live class with Taylor, I highly recommend it, and I hope to see you there! - Sheena W. Canada

The Advanced Inner Alchemy of Life starts on June 16th and runs until July 28th each Sunday from 10 AM to 12 PM PST (except July 7th). Each session will cover a specific part of the course that will help you develop your own bioalchemical system of magic:

In Week One: I’ll teach you how to use meditation to lead you to deeper states of altered consciousness and awareness. You’ll learn how different types of meditation can help you access your body’s deeper wisdom and knowing.

In Week Two: You’ll learn how to anchor your altered states of consciousness so you can call them forth at a moment’s notice. I’ll walk you through how to call them forth, dismiss them and call them again.

In Week Three: I’ll teach you how to connect with the organs of your body and your somatic intuition so you can learn how to be attuned to your body’s needs and communication with you. I’ll also share how this can help you improve your health and increase your intimacy.

In Week Four: I’ll teach you how connect with the neurotransmitters and microbiota in your body. I’ll walk you through two specific processes that will allow you to form an ongoing relationship with the life within your body and get it to work for you.

In Week Five: I’ll show you how to create an alphabet of desire and map the spirits of your body to that alphabet so you can call them forth whenever you want to work with them.

In Week Six: We’ll wrap with experiential embodiment where you learn how to take all of these practices and use them to embody your awareness through your body so that you can work with the world around you on both the physical and spiritual levels. You’ll discover how doing inner alchemical work opens you to the world and the universe.

The end result of taking this class is that you’ll have learned how to connect and work with your body on all levels of your being and learned how to intentionally create altered states of awareness and being that enable you to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

The investment for this class is $297. You will get the following:

  • Live access to the class and opportunities to ask me questions directly.

  • Recordings of the class that you can access at any time to help you continue your work.

We will meeting virtually on the following dates: June 16th, 23rd, and 30th, July 14th, 21st, and 28th from 10am to 12pm PST/1pm to 3pm EST.

The doors are closed on this class. Click the button below to get added to the waitlist and get notified when the class is offered again.