Advanced Space Time Magic

In the linear world most people live in, life is a boring sequence of moments where you wake up, get ready for work, go to work, come home and try to numb yourself for a couple hours and then go back to bed and rinse and repeat this cycle of your life, day in and day out each week. The two day break of a weekend is never enough and at the back of your mind is a question: 

"Is this the best life has to offer to me?"

In the non-linear world of space/time magic, the answer to that question is found by busting out of your linear comfort zone and questioning the reality that has been presented to you, in order to discover the possibilities that have been hidden away.

But how do you even discover those possibilities?

In Advanced Space/Time Magic, I'll show you how to discover the hidden possibilities of your life that are right in front of you, but that you aren't seeing because you're too stuck in the linear model of time, which limits us to the boring sequence of life I've described above. 

If you want more for your life than watching Netflix at night and drinking a beer and dreading your next day of work, then you need to take a different approach to your life, and that involves applying magic to help you get results.

But not just any magic will do...

You need an out of the box, creative approach that provides you perspective and direction from unusual angles.

 That's where my work with space/time magic comes in, because with it I've been able to pull off manifesting results I've wanted in situations where the outcome wouldn't have been likely in the linear world. Results such as: 

  • Finding an apartment in a crowded rental market in less than a week in a city I was moving to. 

  • Buying my home at just the right time when I could get the best rates, before inflation drove the housing market up even further. 

  • Meeting the right people at the right time in my life by knowing how to evoke those meetings. 

  • Having events and possibilities line up at the right time and space because I'm tapped into the non-linear flow of time.

  • Discovering the right opportunities because I took the blinders off and looked at all the possibilities.

You can have these kinds of results as well, but it involves taking a step out of your comfort zone, both magically and mundanely. It involves learning how to apply the elements of space and time magic to your life so you can start creating the life of your dreams instead of the life you're currently living. 

In order to do that you've got to be willing to access resources within you that are available to you, but require taking on the non-linear perspective and practical methodology that space/time magic provides. In this live class I'm going to share with you how to access your non-linear awareness and apply it to your life to get the results you want. I'll also share my secrets for manifesting and show you how to be in the right time and space to get the results when you need them, and in the process help you create the life you truly want to live.

In this 8 hour, 4 week course, you will learn the following:

  • How to access your non-linear awareness and apply it to your magical work.

  • What Iterative Magic workings are and how to get better results with them.

  • How to use the spiral of time to help you access your past and future potential and bring it into the present.

  • Advanced sigil magic techniques you can use to re-sequence your life.

  • How to create magical spaces in your home that amplify your magical workings.

  • How to connect with space/time spirits that can help you open the doors of possibility.

  • And much more!

If you want to transform your life, advanced space/time magic will provide you a unique magical approach based on my latest experimental magic. I will show you how to harness the elements of space and time and get results that transform your life. You'll get access to the following when you sign up for this class:

  • The 8 hour live presentation where Taylor will share the new space/time magic techniques he's developed and walk you through how to apply them to your life ($997 value).

  • Get access to Taylor's Astromagia presentations for 2021, 2022, and 2023 where he reveals how to work with the outer planets and Saturn and get potent results. Each presentation is over an hour long ($397 value)

The total value of this course, including the bonus is $1391 but today I'm offering it for a one time investment of $297 or 3 payments of $109. 

Advanced Spacetime Magic meets live on Thursday October 17th, 24th, 31st and November 7th at 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST for 2 hours. Class will also be recorded and shared the next day for anyone who can’t make it live.

When you invest in this class you'll get the opportunity to work with me live, and I’ll be sharing unique space/time magic techniques that I’ve been developing over the last decade and haven’t shared anywhere else. I only offer this class occasionally, so don’t wait to signup as it won’t happen again until sometime next year.