Advanced Spirit Communication

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Many practitioners curious about spirit work may find themselves intimidated by the perceived challenges: how to communicate with spirits effectively and achieve consistent results. We offer this seminar to share our practice of spirit work which will empower you to surpass these challenges and create the productive working relationships with spirits you want. What expectations do you bring to spirit communication which may be preventing you from effectively connecting with spirits?

Expectations such as:

  • Expecting spirits to appear in a physical form so they can be proven to exist. When a person gets caught up in the expectation that a spirit will appear in a physical form, they sabotage the actual connection that is occurring with the spirit.

  • Expecting spirits to speak in your native language. This expectation prevents the practitioner from recognizing the multiplicity of non-verbal ways in which spirits naturally communicate. Even when the spirit does communicate in your language, there may be filtering that causes you to miss significant details.

  • Expecting spirits to do all the work to produce the results for the benefit of the practitioner, without recognizing your own role in that work. While spirits can play a significant role in your magical work, you will still need to take certain significant actions due to how spirits interact with the world versus how we interact with the world.

The problem with these expectations is that they undermine the possible relationships you could be creating with spirits and therefore produce lackluster results. 

What is the solution?

The solution isn’t found in the traditional grimoire practices, which emphasize the enslavement of spirits. Nor is the solution found in taking a wholly devotional approach to the spirits. 

The solution is found in the evolutionary approach to spirit communication that Taylor Ellwood has developed over 30 years of magical experimentation. This method integrates somatic meditation techniques, spirit embodiment practices, and a consent based approach to spirit work that creates a respectful collaboration between the spirit and the practitioner working with the spirit. 

In Advanced Spirit Communication, Taylor Ellwood, with spirit medium Joanna Brook, present their unique spirit practices, which we have used to connect with spirits and manifest consistent results, including:

  • Building knowledge and experience of spirit realms in order to affect human reality. 

  • Working with spirits to manifest the home we live in.

  • Generating opportunities for business growth and wealth expansion.

  • Being in the right space and time through the intervention of the spirits.

  • Developing innovative spiritual practices and techniques with the instruction of the spirits.

  • Creating cooperative relationships with spirits that produce better results and  win-win situations.

  • And much, much more.

How do we get these results? 

We have developed a unique understanding of how spirits interact with the human world, through our practice of connecting with spirits and spirit realms. We take an innovative approach to spirit work that incorporates this understanding into all our magical work. Advanced Spirit Communication you will learn to connect, communicate and develop a relationship with the spirits that helps you get consistent results. You will learn the following:

  • A nonverbal somatic method of communication that allows you to connect to a spirit directly.

  • Advanced scrying techniques that can be used to channel spirits and gain unique insights through the communication that occurs.

  • A process for establishing firm boundaries with spirits so they don’t possess or control you.

  • A method for developing mediumship skills to improve connections with various types of spirits.

  • A practice for embodying spirits so you can draw on their influence and wisdom at any time by invoking or evoking them without having to use complicated rituals.

In Advanced Spirit Communication we transmit to you our system for communicating with spirits that draws on a nuanced understanding of how to experience and work with spirits directly in a modern way. 

If you want better results and a deeper and more satisfying relationship with spirits, the evolutionary practices we share in this class provide you an opportunity to transform your experiential knowledge of spirits. You will come away with practical techniques to immediately apply to your spirit work, examples of the possible relationships you can build with spirits, and a better understanding of how to work with spirits to get measurable results that improve your life.

Spirit work doesn’t have to be complicated. It certainly does not have to involve selling your soul! Successful spirit work simply requires cultivating a perspective and practice that recognizes that communication occurs on multiple levels and in multiple ways. Learn how to let go of the usual expectations for spirit work. Discover what happens when you free yourself to connect with spirits. Achieve the results you’ve been looking for through Advanced Spirit Communication with Taylor Ellwood and Joanna Brook. You will get the following when you invest in this class:

  • 4 week online course where we meet on Tuesday October 10th, 17th, 24th, and conclude on Samhain (Halloween) from 6pm/9pm to 7:30pm/10:30pm PST/EST ($997.00 Value)

  • The 1 hour recording of Spirit Communication ($97.o0) value)

  • How to Work with Spirits recorded course ($100.00 value)

  • Psychic and Spiritual perception course ($120.00 value)

The total value of this course, included the bonuses is $1314.00, but today we’re offering the course for a one time investment of $297.00 or 3 payments of $109.00.

When you invest in this class, you’ll get the opportunity to work with us live, as well as the recordings of the class, plus the bonuses we’ve shared above. Sign up below and get immediate access to the pre-session class, plus the bonus content. Then come to the class on the 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st, and learn from us live how level up your spirit communication and get better results that transform your life.

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