Book reviews Halloween 2019 edition — Magical Experiments

Book reviews Halloween 2019 edition

Every so often I review books and share them on my site. This is the Halloween 2019 edition. Not all of the books are occult books, but they are all notable books that will enrich your life and may get you to think about your magical practice differently.

Book Review: The Motley Fool Investment Guide by David and Tom Gardner (affiliate link)

This is a must read book if you ever plan to retire or you just want to understand how investing works and how it could benefit your life. This latest edition is updated with brilliant insights that can help you get comfortable with investing and learn how to educate yourself. This book will provide you an in-depth tour of how investing works, while also inviting you to learn more. Reading this book and implementing its advice helped me get comfortable with investing my own money in the stock market.

Book Review: Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology by David Abram (affiliate link)

This book explores an experiential approach toward relating to the Earth around us by helping us get back in touch with our instincts and boy and more importantly the world around us. The author shares his experiences while also presenting an approach that allows us to recognize the language of the author, which enables us to step outside our own word bound narrative and encounter the world. This book will change your experience of the world and help you come back into contact with the reality of the human experience.

Book Review: The Story Solution by Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant (affiliate link)

This is an excellent book which explores how you can use story to change your life. I found the approach of the authors to be quite novel and to mesh with other writing techniques that can be used for similar work. The story solution helps you take a step back from your life and start creating a new story. This book will change your life because it will help you rewrite your current story into a better one.

Book Review: Into the Darkness by David Wright (affiliate link)

This book explores how to write realistic villains and how to explore your own darkness: your fears, your internal issues, etc., in order to craft those characters. It provides solid advice for writing realistic characters, but what stands out to me is that it also provides realistic advice for exploring your darkness and learning how to make it a friend you can work with in your writing, without letting it take you over.

Book Review: Mental Influence by Draja Mickaharic (affiliate link)

This is a solid, focused book which explores mental influence techniques. I like that the author emphasizes the importance of learning non-occult disciplines to supplement the magical techniques you can do and I also like the case studies and practical examples he provides. An excellent book to draw inspiration and practical techniques from.

Book Review: Million Dollar Portfolio by David and Tom Gardner (Affiliate link)

The Million dollar Portfolio provides excellent advice on how to invest your money and how to diversify your stock portfolio. If you plan to invest or already are investing this is a must read book that can help you understand what your investment strategy ought to be and show you how to pick stocks that will help you grow your money, while also helping you learn when to sell and when to hold on to the stocks.