The answer to your question is... — Magical Experiments

The answer to your question is...

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Sometimes I have people approach me to ask what I think about a particular magical working. They want to know if I think their magical working will produce the result they want, hypothetically speaking. My response is always the following: The only way for you to discover if your hypothetical working will produce the hypothetical result that you want is for you to do the actual work and get the answers you seek, through your own work.

I imagine this answer is frustrating. After all, shouldn’t I as a magical practitioner and occult author KNOW the answer to your hypothetical situation? Shouldn’t I be able to tell you what will or won’t work, without you actually having to do the work? I will admit, it might save people a lot of time if I could just tell them right out the gate if something would or wouldn’t work or would or wouldn’t get results.

But here’s the hard truth. I don’t know if your working will work because I’m not you, and I’m not necessarily practicing magic the way you do. I can speak to the efficacy of a given technique and tell you how it ought to work (in fact I do just that in my books), but in the end there’s a simple truth that must be embraced. Until you actually do the work, and have the experiences, you won’t get the answers you’re seeking. Even if I were to tell you what I think might happen, or if something might work, until you do that work yourself you really won’t know.

There’s another component to this as well. I don’t want to be a guru that tells you what to do and how to do it and gives you my blessing before you do a magical working. I’ve always written my books and made my videos and shared my work with one gal in mind: To empower my readers to discover their own answers. I may present a path to you, but that path is just a suggestion and as you walk that path I’ll urge you to question it, question me, and discover your own answers, because you, not me, are the best authority for your life.

“But Taylor, you’ve written these books, shared these techniques, so you owe me the answers I want! You should have them! You should know what will happen.”

When I started learning magic, I bought books, read them, and did the exercises in them. Eventually I experimented with those exercises and came up with my own derivations. Through all that work, I never expected anyone else to give me the answer or tell me if an experiment with a technique would give me the result I wanted. I did the work, and most times I got the result I wanted, and some times I didn’t. Sometimes the magical working failed or the experiment I came up with didn’t produce the results I wanted. In either case, I got answers from the work I did and the experiences I had. To this day that approach is still how I learn magic.

I can answer questions about the technique of a practice, but if you want to know if something will work will, the best way to find out is to do the work and earn the answer. You may not be happy with the answer, but you will have earned it and made the work you’re own. And that is truly how you evolve as a magical practitioner. The answers you seek are the answers you must work for…and sometimes those answers will lead to more questions, but that is the beauty of doing the work. The path never ends.

Remember: YOU are the ultimate spiritual authority of your life. The answers you seek will be found in your choice to do the work and discover what answers it offers you.