Occult conferences I'm presenting at in 2021 — Magical Experiments

Occult conferences I'm presenting at in 2021


So it looks like I'm presenting at occult conferences again (I never thought I'd see the day THAT would happen).

I'll be presenting a workshop on the Inner Alchemy of Wintering for the Free Spirit Gathering Conference in June 18-20 (https://www.fsgonline.org/) In that workshop I'll be discussing the concept of wintering and how rest and retreat should play an important role in our spiritual practices.

And in September (17th - 19th) I'll be presenting a workshop at the AstroMagia Conference (https://astromagia.org/). It'll either be the one where I talk about my planetary magic work with the outer planets (Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) or my work with using architectural spatial design theory to create magical spaces (ala the Sphere of Art)

And both conferences have some great lineups with other presenters, so you should make sure you check them out.
