Discovering Deity: How my magical path is changing

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2022

I've worked with deities on and off in my magical practice over the years, but I’ve never really committed to a dedicated practice to a deity, up until recently. This recent change has come about in part because of learning about my magical partner’s tradition, but part of it has also come about because of a deep longing to connect with deity in this way. In a real sense, in taking part in the rituals and practices that I’ve been learning, its caused me to touch deeply on something I’ve needed and wanted but not really explored before.

I’ve had this happen before. When I learned the Sphere of Art, this practice also touched on a deep need within myself that hadn’t been expressed. So much of my focus prior to learning the Sphere was on very practical aspects of magic, and while those aspects will always be a part of my magical practice, learning the sphere of art changed my approach to that magic in a deep, fundamental way that brought a sense of satisfaction and contentment that had previously been missing. Likewise take on an approach to working with deity more explicitly and profoundly is providing a similar level of comfort and contentment, a deeper spiritual nourishment I hadn’t realized I was lacking.

So much of modern magic is prioritized around results, and I think that prioritization can be linked to the rise of modern magic with capitalism. While such a focus on results can be very useful for making practical changes in one’s life, I think there’s also a need to find a balance with the deeper spiritual needs we all have. Meeting those needs can take different forms.

I have found that qi gong, meditation, the sphere of art and deity work are all playing a role in my magical path, and while results based magic still has a significant presence in my work its not as prevalent…perhaps in part because I have so much of the life I want and the results I’m aiming for now are much more long term based than short term. I think such a shift toward long term results can also shift the way you approach magic and bring more attention to the deeper needs that often are long term based and as such can’t be produced in a flash, but simply must be experienced in the right time and space.

In beginning to work with Aphrodite from a place that is more dedicated than I have previously done what I’m finding is that relationship with deity is something that gradually unfolds. It has a mystery to it that requires patience and dedication and a willingness to not just explore the relationship with deity, but also one’s sense of self and how your own identity is changed as a result of the work with deity. In the case of Aphrodite, it is learning lessons about love, both with self love, and love of others.

I’ve practiced magic for almost 30 years and I have no doubt my path will continue to change. At some point I will look back and read this post and recognize it as another step along the path, much as how I look at my Sphere of Art postings. They represent moments on a rich and deep journey and the journey itself is an experience that calls for one to be, as much as to do…for the doing leads to being and the being illuminates the doing.