Goetic pathworking for internal work — Magical Experiments

Goetic pathworking for internal work

Marchosias Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2022

Over the course of this year I’ve been taking a Goetic Daemon a week course offered by S. Connolly on her Patreon. It’s been a fascinating course to take and its helped me expand my experiences and knowledge of working with daemons. While I already had some experience working with them going into the course, I’m glad I’ve taken the course because of the insights I’ve gained.

One of the suggestions that S. Connolly is working with the Daemons for the purpose of doing internal work and I’ve found this to be a great practice. Often it seems that people think of working with the Goetia when they need an external result or want to do an evocation, but there is a lot of value to be discovered in doing internal work with them.

For example, I’ve been working with Marchosias, doing dream work and pathworking to cultivate my inner warrior. Each night as I go to sleep I invoke him and then I do dream work and record the experience. I am also doing pathworkings with him, for the purpose of building a stronger relationship with the warrior aspect within myself. Working with Marchosias in this way has been very instructive because he’s been teaching me a lot about working with the warrior from a place of defense, and cultivating better awareness of boundaries. He’s also been helping me with being more assertive and recognizing when I am people pleasing.

While I haven’t worked with all of the Goetia in this way during this course (and we still have a ways to go), the ones I have worked with for the purpose of internal work have provided great insights for me. Some of those insights are coming later, after the initial work, but all of them are helpful in terms of generating perspective and change.

When doing goetic pathworking, what I like to do is have a visual representation of the sigil available for me to work with, whether its a larger or smaller painting or representation of the sigil. I will also chant the enn or simply vibrate the name of the spirit. I I stare at the symbol and chant until I enter a state of altered consciousness at which point I imagine a door opening to the inner landscape of my being. The spirit and I visit this inner landscape and seek out the aspect of myself that I want to work with. Then I merge with that aspect and the spirit and I interact. The interaction typically takes the form of instruction, but the instruction can occur in various ways. For instance with Marchosias, it takes the form of the warrior battling with Marchosias, with Marchosias providing feedback on how the warrior can be more skillful. This is just my own process for doing this work, but I’m finding it useful as a way of doing internal work with spirits.

You could also use other aides for doing this work, such as burning incense or doing some type of scrying. For instance, another way I’ll work with the spirits involves using a black mirror and placing the sigil of the goetic Daemon below the mirror, so that the sigil is reflected in the mirror. I’ll then look into the mirror while connecting with the spirit, using the mirror as a gateway for the work. I treat the mirror as a door that leads into the alternate consciousness where I can connect with the spirit. The point in sharing that is there are multiple ways to do this work. Find the way that works best for you and then use it to help you connect with the spirit and do internal work with it.