Book Reviews Jan to July 2023 — Magical Experiments

Book Reviews Jan to July 2023

Book Review: Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday (Affiliate link)

In this book, the author explores the virtue of discipline and shares historical examples of when discipline has been exercised and when it has not. I found this book to be really relevant to my journey. I can be impulsive in my decision making and choices and reading this book helped me recognize where I need to rein in my emotions and impulses and approach a given situation from a more systematic awareness and perspective. I highly recommend this book to anyone as it provides some ideas on how to be more disciplined in your life.

Book Review: The Path of the Warrior-Mystic by Angel Millar (Afilliate link)

The author explores what sacred masculinity looks like in an age of chaos, advocated for men to simultaneously be in touch with their warrior and mystic aspects. It’s more of a philosophy book than anything else, but the author brings up some interesting points ty too consider about what it means to be a man and how to transform one’s relationship with masculinity.

Book Review: Choose Yourself by James Altucher (Affiliate link)

This is an amazing experience…not just a book, a way of thinking about and approach the world where you truly choose yourself and empower yourself in the process. Reading this book has helped me take some big risks and make some decisions that I might have made differently or with more hesitation . I am choosing myself and I’m much happier as a result.

Book Review: Honoring Death by S. Connolly (Affiliate link)

This is guide to necromantic magic with a Daemonic twist. The author shares how to work with Daemonic spirits to do better necromancy. This is a good intro book to necromancy with some basic spell work that can be employed as well as essential theory behind working with the ghosts of people who have passed on, or helping to move on fully.

Book Review: Saturn by Liz Greene (Affiliate Link)

This was a very interesting book to read about the astrological aspects of Saturn. The author did an excellent job of presenting a different take on Saturn which is not rooted in treating Saturn as a malefic force, but rather explores the function and purpose of Saturn and shows readers how they can work with Saturnine energies instead of resisting them. It helped me get a better perspective on how to work with Saturn in my life.

Book Review: The Appearance of Power by Tanner Guzy (Affiliate link)

The Appearance of Power is an intriguing book which explores style and fashion for men from the perspective of power and how men dress to display power. Reading it made me consider some of my fashion choices and why I dress certain ways as well as how I can make different choices with my appearance, both in terms of clothes and in terms of other aesthetics.

Book Review: Living an Examined Life by James Hollis (Affiliate link)

Living an examined life presents 21 lessons that you can apply to your life to change it in meaningful ways. This is an excellent book to read regardless of what stage you are at in your life, but I found it to be very helpful as I navigate my mid forties. It helped me start living a much more intentional and focused life as I considered how best to apply the lessons contained within.

Book Review: Phallos by Eugene Monick (affiliate link)

Phallos explores the sacred mythology around the genitalia of men. The author draws on a variety of myths and archetypes to explore and venerate the masculine genitalia and provides a different perspective on how we can have a better relationship with ourselves and the sacred masculine.

Book Review: Fire in the Belly by Sam Keen (Affiliate Link)

This is a dynamic book that explores why its necessary for men to go through initiatory experiences and explores what it means to be a man in today’s world. The author deconstructs the toxic myths around masculinity and shares why it is essential for men to do the work they need to do together in order to heal themselves and their relationships with women. This book proved to be very helpful in my own work.

Book Review: Soulshaping by Jeff Brown (Affiliate link)

A fascinating memoir and instructional guide on how to listen to your soul and be shaped by your purpose and meaning. Reading this book helped me get comfortable with my confusion, fears, and questions and make better sense of the path I was on. We don’t always know where we’re going but if we learn to trust our inner guidance we can find the path.

Book Review: The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz (affiliate link)

This is an insightful book that unpacks the difference between creativity and problem solving and enables you to become a creator of your life as well as whatever else you want to create. The author shows you how the structures of life set up the behavior patterns and how making deep changes with is essential for creating the life you want.