A ritual for protection and healing — Magical Experiments

A ritual for protection and healing

This is a ritual for healing and protection. It can be performed daily or as often or as little as you wish. It involves working with the four elemental archangels: Raphael/Air/East, Michael/Fire/South, Gabriel/Water/West, and Auriel/Earth/North.

A Few preliminary notes

Note 1: This ritual is not a substitute for getting proper medical care or taking appropriate precautions in relationship to the Corona virus or any other illness. It is intended to be a spiritual ritual, to call on the aid of appropriate spirits that may prove helpful during a time of crisis, medical or otherwise.

Note 2: For the opening and closing of the ritual you can use whatever standard opening and closing rituals you use. I use the stillness work and calling of the sphere of art from the Inner Temples tradition of the Inner Convocation, which is taught by R.J. Stewart. If you’re interested in that work you can pick up the Sphere of Art on RJ’s website.

What I share below is what I developed with the blessings and aid of the archangels and is freely shared in the hopes that it might of service to anyone seeking spiritual aid, protection, and comfort during this trying time or any trying time of your life. It is not part of the Inner Temple Tradition of the Inner Convocation teaching and I am not claiming it as such.

Note 3: This ritual is done from a place of reverence and respect for the archangels. You can change the wording if you feel called to, but please do so with respect. You can substitute other spiritual entities, but please do so with respect and reverence.

The Ritual

Drawing of Archangel Raphael Copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

Drawing of Archangel Raphael Copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

After you have done the initial work of setting up your sacred space, face to the east and state the following:

“Hail Raphael, archangel of the Air and the East.

We humbly seek your purifying breath, knowledge and guidance.

We ask for your protection and grace.

Please provide us the knowledge of healing and the power of life, and give us guidance where needed, to help us make the best choices in protecting ourselves, our family and our community.”

Close your eyes and allow yourself to commune with the Archangel Raphael, opening yourself to any spiritual transmission that is shared.

Drawing of Archangel Michael Copyright 2020 Taylor Ellwood

Drawing of Archangel Michael Copyright 2020 Taylor Ellwood

When you are ready, face the south and state the following:

“Hail Michael, archangel of the Fire and the South

We humbly seek your purifying flame, protection and guidance.

We ask your for your protection and grace.

Please provide us your fiery protection and give us guidance where needed to protect ourselves, our family and community.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to commune with the Archangel Michael, opening yourself to any spiritual transmission that is shared.

Archangel Gabriel copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

Archangel Gabriel copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

When you are ready, face the West and state the following:

Hail Gabriel, Archangel of the Water and the West

We humbly seek the ebbing and flow tides of compassion, love, and health.

We ask for the flowing tides of giving and receiving.

Please provide us your compassionate embrace, your healing touch, and give us guidance where needed to help us protect the health of ourselves, our family, and our community.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to commune with the Archangel Gabriel, opening yourself to any spiritual transmission that is shared.

Archangel Michael Copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

Archangel Michael Copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

When you are ready, face the West and state the following:

Hail Auriel, archangel of the Earth and the North

We humbly seek the cosmic law of destruction and regeneration

We ask for the wisdom of death and rebirth

Please provide us the rest of regeneration that we might face whatever destruction comes with fortitude and grace and give us guidance to aid ourselves, our family, and our community with the rest and calm we need to face these trying times.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to commune with the Archangel Auriel, opening yourself to any spiritual transmission that is shared.

When ready thank the archangels and close the ritual space.

Concluding notes

This is a purposely made simple ritual, developed for the purpose of calling on the spiritual guidance of the archangels. It’s recommended you memorize the chants, as this allows you to embody the connection between yourself and the archangels, and strengthens the ritual work accordingly.

As stated above, this ritual can be done as often or as little as your like, but you should also continue to exercise appropriate precautionary behaviors in your everyday life.