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Cracking the Code to Lucid Dreaming

Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2023

Lucid dreaming is one of those seemingly elusive skills that can really open up the doors of expansion for a practitioner once you learn how to do lucid dreaming.

I've been using lucid dreaming as part of my spiritual path for most of my life...

In this post I'm going to share a few activities I've done to help me cultivate lucid dreaming. 

How I use dreams for my creative work

One of the ways I’ve been cultivating my creativity has involved using lucid dreams to discover what I should write about, both for fiction and nonfiction. In order to have lucid dreams I’ve found it helpful to change some of my sleep patterns, just enough so I can remember my dreams and still get enough sleep for my health.

If I get a full night of sleep I usually need 7 hours. When I’m doing dream work, I aim for getting around 6 hours of sleep. I find that if I only sleep 6 hours, I wake up around the time that I’m having vivid dreams and can remember those dreams. If I have a journal on hand, then I can write the dream down.