February 2016 Radio Shows and Book Reviews — Magical Experiments

February 2016 Radio Shows and Book Reviews

Taylor Ellwood If you missed the February Episodes of the Magical Experiments podcast, below are links to each episode.

Magical Experiments Radio: Sacred Sexuality and Sex Magic with Laurelei Black

Magical Experiments Radio: Death and Rebirth with Annwyn Avalon

Magical Experiments Radio: Pagan Leadership Panel part 1 with Courtney Weber and KaliSara

Magical Experiments Radio: Pagan Leadership Panel part 2 with Crystal Blanton, Sam Wagar, and Lisa Spiral

Magical Experiments Radio: Social Media Magic with Felix Warren and Laurie Pneumatikos


Book Review: Magic Simplified by Draja Mickaharic

In this book, the author shares some useful exercise for beginning magicians (and worth revisiting even if you have more experience). What I like is that the exercises are presented without lots of esoteric jargon. Anyone could pick this book up and try the exercises and learn more about magic as a result. What the author really demonstrates with this book is what magic really is, without all the glamour and spells usually associated with it. What you have is a practical bare bones guide with exercises that provides you with a place to begin your magical work.

Book Review: Awakening the Luminous Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

In Awakening the Luminous Mind, the author shares a teaching from a previous lama and walks readers through the meditation around that teaching. It's a profound book that lead you to deep changes as you embrace stillness and let go of your pain identity. The accompanying CD has some useful tracks you can use with your meditation, though I wish some of them had been longer. The quality of the teachings is superb and has a enhanced my stillness work immensely. If you are interested in Dzogchen or simply want to work with stillness, this is an excellent book to work with.

Book Review: The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram

This was an intriguing read where the author explores the connection or lack thereof that people have with the natural world. He shares how we have fallen away from that connection and what we are losing by not having such a close connection. What I found most intriguing was his exploration of language and how the changes in the written word helped to create the disconnect. This is a thought-provoking read that will motivate you to change your relationship with the world.




