February Magical Experiments podcasts

Did you miss an episode of magical experiments in February? All the shows are below.

Magical Experiments podcast:  The alchemical balance of positivity and negativity with Bill Duvendack

Magical Experiments podcast: Pagan Leadership Challenges with Shauna Aura Knight

Magical Experiments podcast: Spirit Conjuration and Magical Evocation with Frater Barrabbas

Magical Experiments podcast: The Tao of Craft pt 2 with Benebell Wen

Book Review: Advanced Magical Arts by R. J. Stewart

Advanced Magical Arts is a follow up to Living Magical Arts, with a particular focus on visualization, ritual and mediation and how these techniques can be used in conjunction with each other as well as what precautions to take when employing them. The author does a good job of explaining the techniques and showing how they can be used to develop a system of magic. I also like that he includes some sample workings in his tradition that you can use to implement these techniques. I found it easy to take the concepts shared and employ in my own workings and systems of magic. I recommend this book as a good resource to learn more about these techniques.