Magical Experiments podcast Nov and Dec 2016 — Magical Experiments

Magical Experiments podcast Nov and Dec 2016

Magical Experiments podcast: The Tao of Craft with Benebell Wen

Magical Experiments podcast: Magical Realism with Nada Decat

Magical Experiments podcast: Pop Culture Magic Tools with Emily Carlin, Jessica Dwyer and Tallah Hovisdottir

Magical Experiments podcast: The introduction of magic to Pagan children with Rowan Moss and T. S. Lamb

Magical Experiments podcast: Esoteric Empathy with Raven Digitalis

Magical Experiments podcast: Theurgical Explorations with Brandy Williams

Magical Experiments podcast: The Sphere of Art with R. J. Stewart and Anastacia Nutt

Magical Experiments podcast: Rituals and Role Playing with S. Rune Emerson

Book Review: Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans by Ivo Dominguez Jr

If you've wondered how to apply astrology to magic or how astrology even applies to Paganism, this book is a must read. What I like about it is that Ivo does an excellent job of explaining astrology and showing how you can apply it to your magical work without a lot of esoteric jargon or technical terms. When he has to use such terms, he does, but he also explains them. Ivo also provides some exercises that can help you apply the information in the book to your magical practice. This is a certainly a book for someone who has astrology background or magical background and wants to apply astrology to magic, but if you, like me, don't know much about astrology, you'll still get a lot from the book. I do recommend reading the book once and taking notes and then going back through and trying the exercises. This is a much needed resource and I highly recommend it to anyone. One down side to this book is no bibliography or suggested reading list.

Book Review: The True Source of Healing by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

In the pages of this book you will find the keys to unlocking your awareness and ability to be present with yourself. While this book is a quick read, the work is anything but and I recommend doing an initial reading, just to read the book, and then do a second reading, where you go slower, and work through the exercises. By doing this you'll be present with the lessons of the book in a deeper way and get more from it. Tenzin approaches this work in a careful, measured manner that helps you discover your inner resources and liberates you from your inner demons. There is also an audio meditation that you can download with the book, which is helpful for doing the work. The wisdom and teachings in this book helped me a lot, but giving it a second reading was what really made the most impact.

