Ongoing Work with Qi Gong — Magical Experiments

Ongoing Work with Qi Gong


Over the last few months I’ve been learning some different qi gong methods and practicing them, and while doing that also integrating into the Sphere of Art work, where I’ve found a natural fit for them. In this post I thought I would share the work in some detail, and what I’ve discovered as I’ve done it.

The qi gong practices I’m mainly focused on doing is Energy Gates and Gods Playing in the Clouds. Energy Gates is a combination of a standing practice with a few movements, which when done properly move the qi through the body in a spiraling manner. Gods Playing in the Clouds is a set of movements that works through all of the energy channels and the nei-gong. I’ve currently learned 3 of the movements and I’m learning a 4th one now. I’m also taking a 4 weekend intensive which explores the spine and which I’m finding is relevant to the rest of the work. I’m practicing the Qi Gong between 1-2 hours currently, though I plan to increase that a bit more once I wrap up the day job and I figure out what my new routine will look like.

My main focus with these practices is learning the movements, both physical and energetic, so that they’re integrated into how I move. Careful attention to detail is necessary when learning such movements because of how you are effecting your internal physiology and organs of the body through the movements. For example learning to twist the muscles of the legs and use that to drive the qi up and down the body is something that takes some time to learn because you’re experiencing your body, internally, in a way that is not typical for most people.

Nonetheless in doing this work, I’m still finding that it intersects with my Sphere of Art work, and specifically with work I’m doing with my spirit cord. The spirit cord is a cord that is used to embody experiences, and call them forth. I use it during my sphere of art practice when I’m saying the chants and I also use it to connect with Suvuviel who is the archangel of the present and of the cord.

The intersection of the SOA work with Qi Gong has focused on how the internal movement of the Qi has meshed with the movement of the elemental and planetary energies in the sphere. When I do the SOA work I do standing meditation and sink my Qi which then connects it with the energies being invoked and serves to further embody the SOA in myself and in the work I’m doing.

However what the SOA also does is set up the sealed environment from which I do the additional Qi Gong work and what I notice is that working in such a sealed environment does provide a very specific advantage, because it excludes everything that doesn’t belong while also allowing in very specific energies that do belong.

When I am doing Energy Gates and Gods Playing in the Clouds, I am also working with those very specific energies and melding them with the work I’m doing with my Qi. In this case It’s taking the energies of the stellar cosmos, the underworld, as well as the elements and planets and integrating them into the Qi work. The sphere brings those energies in and then I work with them via meditation and mediation, but now also through the qi gong movements, which further refine, focus, and embody the energy through me and in my environment. All of this then allows me to take that work and apply it outward and this is something I’ll be continuing to refine and develop as I continue learning the qi gong. and continue practicing the Sphere of Art.