I recently decided to start offering some services on Magical Experiments (Check out the service tab for more information). There’s a couple reasons for the new services, but one of the most important reasons is because I’ve found that a lot of people want to ask me questions, and so I decided to create what’s known as a paywall.
What is a paywall?
A paywall is both a boundary and an opportunity for access. Essentially, if you want to ask me questions or get other services you pay me for those services, or you choose not to pay me and I don’t provide the services. I first saw the practice of the paywall with journalism and article sites, where you pay a subscription fee to get unlimited to articles, but one of my friends decided to apply it to herself, in terms of access, and it’s worked excellently for her.
I decided to create a paywall, because while I do like to help the occult and magical community out, I already provide free resources, such as articles like these (and the videos I shoot), though recently I’ve been posting some of them on my Patreon. I figure that if access to me is so valuable, its worth paying for and this choice of mine is a form of wealth magic.
How is this a form of wealth magic?
Great question. It’s a form of wealth magic, because it serves several purposes. The first purpose is to create a boundary that protects my time and creative energies. For me to write the books that I am working on as well as continue working on the magical experiments requires that I protect my time. I protect my time by creating a paywall boundary that essentially states if you want my time, then please provide me sufficient value for it.
The second purpose it fulfills is that it creates a fundamental recognition of my worth and value and allows me to express that to not only the people who want my services, but the universe at large. The creation of the paywall becomes a magical act as well as a mundane act because it establishes a very specific form of interaction.
I know some people will be horrified by such a move, but I find that when a person has poor boundaries it ends up creating scarcity for that person, because they essentially are choosing not to value themselves. And when you provide services, you have to value yourself and your time, or as my mom puts it, guard your mental health jealously.
The act of creating a paywall has been an affirming act for me, in light of recent events in my life. It causes me to value myself even further and to protect my time and creativity, because the work I am called to do requires that I make the most of that time and creativity. I can’t do that if I have poor boundaries. The establishment of the paywall serves to weed out the people who would never value my time and effort anyway. To bring wealth into your life, you must value the wealth you already have. My wealth is my creativity, and my time, and the products and services that come out of it.