Round 5 of the Process of Magic Course starts April 3rd — Magical Experiments

Round 5 of the Process of Magic Course starts April 3rd

blacksigil_400px-72dpi On April 3rd, the Round 5 of the Process of Magic class is starting. This is a 24 lesson course, which also includes a free pdf of Creating Magical Entities, and a bi-monthly teleconference where you can ask me questions about the content of the course. Additionally you'll have access to an e mail list that is only available to members of the class to share their own experiences with other students and myself. Not sure if this class is for you? Here's the testimonial from Yutaka Furuki, a magician from Japan, who is currently enrolled in round 4 of the class:

I decided to take this course for I was searching for a way to synthesize various magical influences I have experienced over the years in my magical journey. Now I am in the middle of the course, still doing Lesson 9, but I already have learned far more than what I  expected from a single course. The course material is written in a clear style and there are no vague mystifications often found in magical texts. In the beginning the students are encouraged to examine all the elements of their magical practice. Taylor helps you to fully recognize your own definitions and mechanics of Magic that no other books or any other materials could not succeed to address. Then you will be introduced to ways to examine magical links and basis of altered states of consciousness for successful operations. One of greatest points in this course is you can have benefit from it no matter what your magical background is. It is perfectly designed to focus on core workings of Magic, so any person who has interest in any forms of magical practices will found it to be easily applicable to their own daily practice. This course is not just a correspondence course. You also have live interaction with Taylor. In such process you can share what you have found in your practice with him and people of same interest and you can have feedbacks that will lead you to deeper understanding of Magic. I truly recommend this course to anyone, novices and experts alike.

The cost of this course is $80. If you are interested in learning more about the course, or you have questions about it contact me. This course is part of the Way of the Magician mystery school. I look forward to working with you!