Space/Time Magic Class starting July 25th — Magical Experiments

Space/Time Magic Class starting July 25th

Space/Time Magic 1

When many magicians think of space/time, they may think of it in terms of physics or as a linear reality they need to deal with. However, space/time is more than just a linear phenomenon or an element of physics. In this entry level course, we will explore how to change our perceptions of space/time so that we can use those elements to make meaningful proactive changes to our lives and circumstances. You will develop a non-linear approach to space/time work that will enable you to access possibilities that would otherwise be blocked by a linear perspective.

In this 4 week class, you will learn:

  • Techniques to harness space and time and make proactive changes in your life, including the sigil web technique.
  • How to shift your thinking from linear to non-linear.
  • How to create specific magical tools for space/time work.

When you sign up for this class, you'll get a free signed copy of Space/Time Magic mailed to you, for use with the class, and also for your personal work.

  • Class starts July 25th and runs to August 22nd from 4-5pm PST 7-8 EST.
  • This is a teleclass, and you will get a recording of each class.
  • Cost: $179, which includes a FREE autographed copy of Space/Time Magic, and Recordings of each class, on a special page for members taking the class.

Take charge of your internal reality and through it your external reality. To sign up, make one easy payment of $179.
