Pan Pagan Gathering — Magical Experiments blog — Magical Experiments

Pan Pagan Gathering

Upcoming Appearances - Fall 2012

This is always a busy time of year for me, because there are specific events I am traveling to and presenting workshops at (or vending). Below is a summary of where I'll be. I hope to see some of you at these events!

Esoteric Book Conference

I will be vending at the Esoteric Book Conference (no presentations) in Seattle, Washington on 9/15 and 9/16. You'll get to see the entire lineup of Immanion Press's nonfiction books and if you want to chat about magic or other esoteric topics, I'd love to speak with you.

Pan-Pagan Gathering

I will be presenting two workshops at the Pan-Pagan Gathering on 9/29 and 9/30.

Basic Space/Time Magic: In this workshop, we will look at the elements of space and time and their role in magical work, as well as how we can work with space and time as active principles of our magical practice. I will also provide a list of space/time magic entities you can work with, if you want to explore space/time magic further. $5 Suggested Donation

Ley-lines, Power-Spots, and Communicating with the land: In this workshop we’ll discuss what leylines and power spots are, the different between an artificial leyline and a natural one, and how leylines can be used to connect with other planets and stars, as well as how to communicate and develop a relationship with the land. $5 Suggested Donation

Crucible Convention

I will be presenting the Basic Space/Time Magic class at the convention on October 6th. However I will be doing this presentation remotely, from Portland, Or. The convention is occurring at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Princeton in Princeton New Jersey


Upcoming Workshops in Oregon and other administrative matters

I rarely post about administrative issues so to speak, but here's a table of contents: Upcoming workshops in Oregon


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Upcoming Workshops in Oregon

I'll be presenting workshops at Portland Pagan Pride, The Pan-Pagan Gathering, Conflux, Esozone, and the Body Mind Spirit Expo. Full details about what workshops I'm presenting can be found at this link. If any of you are going to these festivals, come up and say hello.


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That's it! I'll be posting stuff of a more occult flavor tomorrow.