bua gua

Sigil Walking

Sigil walking is a technique I’ve developed based off Bua Gua, which is a martial arts moving meditation of circle walking. I recently had the opportunity to learn the basics of Bua Gua and it occurred to me that the principles of circle walking could be applied to charging and firing sigils for practical magic, or for invoking and working with a spirit. It is suggested that for you to get the possible use out of this technique, you should make yourself familiar with some type of walking meditation that moves the energy.

In Bua Gua, when you walk, you are pushing your internal energy to the Earth to connect with the Earth energy and then bringing that energy back up through your body and connecting it with the Stellar energy. Or at least that’s my experience when I do the walking. Since you are raising energy in this way, it occurred to me that you could also direct that energy accordingly, either for a practical magical working, or as a way to connect with a spirit.