On Saturday November 23, 2024, from 1pm to 3pm PST I’ll be presenting my class on Energy Alchemy at Quantum Light Annex, located at 189 Liberty St NE, Salem, OR 97301

Energy Alchemy: Transform your life through Energy Work

When you think of energy work do you think of love and light and Reiki Healings? There's a lot more to energy work than that! Author Taylor Ellwood shares his unique system Energy Alchemy, where he walks you through an innovative fusion of different systems of energy work and somatic body techniques to help you improve your health, attract wealth and transform your life. You will learn:

  • How to use Taoist Qi Gong Practices, Reiki, and Western energy work techniques together to improve your health.

  • How to use your body to deepen your connection to your internal energy and the energy of the elements and stars.

  • How to create energetic batteries and other tools that you can use to refine and focus your energy work.

  • How to stay youthful, embodied, and healthy using energy practices.

  • How to manifest using energy work drawing on the principles of attraction and reception.

Taylor brings over thirty years of experience to this class and he will show you a variety of practices that you can take and apply to your life immediately. This will be a fun, experiential class, where we’ll be doing the energy work exercises together.

Come learn energy alchemy and transform your life! To sign up click the button below and register at Quantum Light Annex.