Advanced Inner Alchemy of Wintering

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In our daily lives it is too easy to get caught up in the capitalistic demand to be productive and the relentless push to be busy, the kind of pace that leads to burnout. If you’re experiencing burnout, you may also be experiencing anxiety, overwhelm and even depression. You are about to enter a wintering phase in your life, and while this is often necessary in order to recharge, the wintering experience can be drawn out much longer than it needs to be. What is a wintering experience like?

  • You feel a need to withdraw from the world.

  • You feel overwhelmed by the demands of your life, work, relationships and other activities.

  • You don’t feel motivated in your spiritual or creative practices, or in your life.

  • You are burned out.

Wintering is a state of being more and more people find themselves going through, but it often happens because those people have hit a wall and can’t keep going. The good news is that wintering doesn’t have to be experienced that way. We can choose to intentionally winter and in the process proactively avoid burnout, depression, anxiety and stress because we give ourselves the time and space to stop being so busy and allow our creative and spiritual genius to rest. The benefit of taking this proactive approach to wintering is that you tune into your natural rhythms and achieve a deeper connection with your spiritual practice, your creative processes and your overall well being.

How do you intentionally winter?

There are inner alchemical practices you can learn that help you winter proactively and avoid the stress, overwhelm and burnout that otherwise occurs when you are always pushing yourself to be productive.

Now is the time to pause and reflect, to go still and be silent.

Now is the time to hold vigil as the darkness of the night waxes and the light of day wanes.

When you apply this inner alchemical process to your life you will get the following benefits:

  • Embrace the natural changing of the season and bring your body, mind, and spirit into alignment.

  • Create sacred space and time for yourself to fully relax into being.

  • Practice somatic and meditative awareness that helps you release the ongoing stress of life.

  • Connect with your spirits in a restful way that supports and guides you.

Join me, Taylor Ellwood, on the inner alchemical path of wintering. You will discover how to fully tap into the natural rhythms of the season to help you slow down, reflect on your journey, release burnout from your life and spiritual path, and seed your consciousness with your creative potential. In this class we will do the following:

  • Release the stress and pressures of busyness and ‘productivity’ through somatic meditative breathing practices.

  • Create sacred space and time to go deeper in your spiritual life.

  • Perform a vigil practice to create reflective awareness and integrate the lessons of the year.

  • A special scrying practice to unlock the mind and dissolve burnout.

  • Collage and art magic to seed your creative potential in the inner and outer worlds.

  • A seeding ritual in 2025 to help you unlock the full potential of your wintering when the time is right.

  • A divinatory process to release the shadows and unlock the gold within you.

  • and much, much more!

In this advanced inner alchemy of winter, I share my inner alchemy practices for achieving a restful state of contemplative awareness and reflection with yourself and with the spirits you work with. If you want to avoid burnout and proactively set yourself up for an amazing 2025, then the Inner Alchemy of Wintering can help you establish the right practices that will grant you a more meaningful connection with your life and seed your consciousness with the potential that wintering reveals when we allow ourselves to mindfully rest. You will get the following when you invest in this class:

  • 5 week online course where we meet on Tuesday December 5th, 12th, 19th, and January 2nd and 9th from 6pm/9pm to 7:30pm/10:30pm PST/EST ($997.00 Value)

  • The 1 hour recording of Inner Alchemy of Wintering ($97.o0) value)

  • The Inner Alchemy of Stillness recorded course ($120.00 value)

  • Experiential Embodiment ($120.00 value)

  • A tarot reading for the new year ($110.00 value)

The total value of this course, included the bonuses is $1444.00, but today I’m offering the course for a one time investment of $347.00 or 3 payments of $120.00.

When you invest in this class, you’ll get the opportunity to work with me live, as well as access to the recordings of the class, plus the bonuses I’ve shared above. Sign up below and get immediate access to the pre-session class, plus the bonus content. Then come to the classes on December 5th, 12th, 19th and January 2nd and 9th, and immediately begin to attune yourself to the natural rhythm of the season, go deeper into your spiritual practice and seed your new year with the potential you unlock through this inner alchemical work!

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