Photo by Francesco Paggiaro from Pexels
Have you ever had that feeling, that sense of certainty, a feeling of fate or destiny when it comes to your life, where you just know that certain things will happen? I have and each time I’ve experienced it I have recognized that what I’ve tapped into is a possible future state of being, a potential maybe that could be a reality in my life. It’s an awareness of reality that transcends the present moment and the linear experience of time and aligns you with the future spiral.
In my article last week, I discussed the power of having and specifically how you can apply an anchor state to help you recognize what you already have, while attracting more of it to you. I like to take that anchored experience and connect it with the state of future awareness or destiny so that the future ends up influencing and empowering the present.
This is a fairly easy working to accomplish provided you have a flexible sense of temporal awareness. What you first want to do is call up your anchored state of awareness about what you have using the signal you’ve developed to call it forth at will. Allow yourself a few moments to simply enjoy that state of having. When you are ready, what you will next want to do is sink into a meditative state where you access your sense of destiny and future success. Imagine yourself walking on a spiral of time. Further up the spiral is that state of future destiny you will achieve. It is already in your future and as a consequence the seeds of it lie within your present and past.
What you want to do is bring the future success to those seeds to help them start sprouting now. You exist in all moments of your life and so when you meditate you want to step out of the singular moment and embrace your entire time span, finding the spiral and the iterations of your success in that temporal span. Time’s spiral is the rhythmic path through time that leads you to each of your moments, but it also the referential coil of time that connects those moments together.
In your meditative state go to the place in the spiral that represents your future success. Even though it’s further up the spiral, you can connect with it, because its part of your timeline. You take that feeling of future destiny and success and connect it to the anchor you created. This enhances that state of having because you are drawing on the future experiences of having future success and making it part of your present experience. Every time you trigger that anchor you can draw on the future success states.
You can also apply this to past successes. Whenever you achieved success, you can draw on that past achievement, because its also part of the spiral of time. You can create a line between your past successes, your future destiny and the current moment and bring them altogether into your anchor to help you draw on the experience of having and using it to help you attract more of the success into your life.