Photo by Freddie Addery from Pexels
One of the simplest principles of life, but one often missed out on, is the principle of having. The principle of having is a fundamental form of wealth magic and realization that actively encourages the attraction of what you already have, because when you have it, you can draw more of it to you. It is a principle that seems counter intuitive, but when you consider it in context to wanting something it actually makes sense.
When you want or need something or someone, what you experience is a neediness that can actually repel what you want from you. The reason is simple: when you want something or someone, you set up within your mind and identity the lack of that thing or person that you want and this creates tension between you and what you want, because you are establishing that it isn’t part of your identity and that you don’t really have it. You want it, but the wanting of it creates distance.
A good example would be money. When you wish that you had money or think it would be awesome if you had money, what are you establishing with that thought? That you actually don’t have money. When you wish you could do activities or go on trips but end up telling yourself why you can’t, what are you reinforcing? You are reinforcing the lack you have in your life.
When you find yourself wanting to be with someone, this same kind of lack can create tension in your relationship, because even if you are with the person, you aren’t enjoying being with the person. You are focused on what you want, instead of relaxing into what you actually have. This creates tension because you continually focus on what you don’t have, and this drives you away from the very person you want to be with.
So how do you change this state of being, and as a result actually attract more of what you already have?
It comes down to two things: First simply recognize what you have. If you have some money, for example, than you have the means to get more and to be able to do the things you want to do. If you have someone in your life, then you have these wonderful experiences and if you allow yourself to be with them, without expectation or attachment you will actually enjoy them far more, because you already have them.
Second when you experience a state of want, identify that want and then change that state by anchoring the experiencing of having what you want, into your being. Recall a moment when you felt confident, powerful and that you had everything you want and create an anchor around that memory so that when you feel a sense of want or neediness you can respond to it by triggering your anchored state of having something.
How I set up an anchor is I take the state of having and the feeling of confidence, relaxation, and security that comes with it and I trigger it with a simple gesture such as rubbing my finger tips together or snapping my fingers or doing something else that allows me to embody that state of being.
You can apply this anchor at any time you feel a sense of neediness, clinginess, wanting or lack, and it will help you transform that state into one of having, one of confidence, and power and the recognition that you identify with what you have and are open to receiving more of it. In next week’s article, I’ll show you how to link this anchored state of having to space/time magic work that you can do to access your future success and make it part of your present reality.