Corona Vaccine Inspiration entity (CVI) — Magical Experiments

Corona Vaccine Inspiration entity (CVI)

Corona Vaccine Inspiration (CVI) Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

Corona Vaccine Inspiration (CVI) Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020

This is an entity that was brainstormed in the Magical Experiments Facebook group. It is designed to inspire and support health care professionals actively working on the corona virus research as well as health care professionals working in the hospitals.

Note: No guarantees are made if you choose to work with this entity. You should still follow quarantine protocols and still wash your hands and take all the other pre-cautions. This entity is provided as a possible resource that may help combat the virus.

How the Entity works

The entity draws on specific planetary energies, as well as any energy freely given by practitioners. There are two specific functions the entity fulfills and a practitioner can choose to direct their own energy to either function or both.

Function 1: Inspire a vaccine solution and aide in the manufacturing of that vaccine. The entity draws on the creative energies of Uranus, the expansive/healing energies of Jupiter, the communication, speed, and inspiration of Mercury, and the energies of the underworld Earth, as well as whatever creativity is donated by the practitioner toward helping the medical professionals find a vaccine.

Function 2: Support the medical professionals in the hospitals, by helping them stay healthy and focused. It has 3 subfunctions.

  1. The entity draws on the expansive, protective, and healing energies of Jupiter to protect the medical professionals.

  2. It also draws on the solar purification of the Sun, The Venusian energy for purification, the protective and limiting energies of Saturn to contain the corona virus.

  3. It also draws on the rising Earthlight of the underworld and the martial energy of Mars to combat the virus.

The practitioner can direct their energy to a specific subfunction, or simply attribute to the overall purpose of function 2, with the entity making the choice as to where best to route the energy.

How the Entity is fed

The entity draws on planetary energies for feeding purposes, and utilizes those same energies as part of its process for the work it does. The planetary energies drawn upon are the Underworld cosmic energy of the Earth, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.

How the Entity is housed

The entity is housed in the painting. You can also sigilize the name CVI.

How you can work with the Entity

Simply use the painting or sigilized name to invoke the entity. Then direct whatever energy or spiritual resources you want to direct to it. It will pass those onto the medical practitioners, with a focus on both helping inspire a solution to the corona virus and providing supporting to the health care practitioners caring for the patients who have the corona virus. When you want to stop giving energy or spiritual resources to the entity, tell the entity stop and its stop function will be engaged and it will no longer draw on you.

Note: No guarantees are made if you choose to work with this entity. You should still follow quarantine protocols and still wash your hands and take all the other pre-cautions. This entity is provided as a possible resource that may help combat the virus