Anti-corona entity (ACE) Picture copyright Taylor Ellwood 2020
This is an entity that was brainstormed in the magical experiments facebook group. It’s created as a way to combat the Corona virus while protecting the person from getting infected, or helping an infected person get better. We’re still brainstorming other magical solutions as well.
Note: No guarantees are made if you choose to work with this entity. You should still follow quarantine protocols and still wash your hands and take all the other pre-cautions. This entity is provided as a possible resource that may help combat the virus.
How the Entity works
To determine how the entity ought to work in relationship to fighting off the virus, we need to understand how the virus works. This is an article in the NY Times that does a good job of explaining how the virus works. The virus essentially attaches itself to a cell, through it’s membrane and then injects its RNA into the cell, overwriting the cell and turning it into a virus production factory that emits more of the virus.
The way the entity works is that it forms a defensive barrier around a cell and actively attacks the virus, injecting itself into the virus to kill it off. It injects itself into the spike proteins of the virus and attacks the RNA of the virus in order to prevent infection.
How the Entity is fed
The entity is fed through the virus itself. The entity will activate if the virus is around and feed off of it. It goes into hibernation mode when the virus isn’t present.
How the Entity is housed
The entity is housed in the painting I created above, but once it is worked with it becomes an active part of your immune system and is housed in your body. You can also take the name of the entity (AVE) and sigilize it in any way you like as another means of housing and activating it.
How you can work with the Entity
Simply use the painting to invoke the entity. Then it’ll start its work. If you want to stop working with it, simply tell it to stop. The stop function is automatically included with the entity. You can also sigilize the name (ACE) as another way of activating the entity.
Note: No guarantees are made if you choose to work with this entity. You should still follow quarantine protocols and still wash your hands and take all the other pre-cautions. This entity is provided as a possible resource that may help combat the virus.