Archangel Metatron copyright 2020 Taylor Ellwood
2-23-2020 Yesterday I switched over to Kether/Uranus/Metatron. Modern quabalists associate Kether with Uranus and this makes sense to me because of the current of creativity and sacrifice that runs through Uranus. When I switched over to this month, the switch felt like a departure from the currents of Neptune to this place of being, gentler in a way, and yet also insistent on discovery the potential within the being.
In tonight’s meditation Metatron talked with me about creativity and how the sacrifices a person makes with creativity need to be chosen carefully. What are you willing to give? What are you willing to choose and what are you willing to give away? Creativity doesn’t happen in a void. Potential is boundless until a choice is made.
2-24-2020 I started reading Good to Great again. I felt drawn to read it when I finished the Slight Edge and I realized that it complements the personal focus of the Slight Edge, but also that its very useful for continuing to help me build a system around my creativity that supports my work and me, while creating a business model that hones what I’m doing. I’m creating a flywheel that slowly but steadily gains momentum and allows me to grow the business, while sustaining my spiritually and creatively.
3-4-2020 I have had vivid dreams each night while doing this work with Uranus/Metatron/Kether. I’ve also noticed that during meditation I start experiencing a lot more potential ideas and possibilities and my thoughts race a lot more. I normally do not have that level of monkey mind so I think it is quite possibly related to this work. On the writing end though I’m finding it easier to get around writer’s block.
3-9-2020 I’ve continued having vivid dreams each night. Last night’s was about the corona virus as the apex predator of the planet, with an image of the virus as a predator. In my meditations, it’s a continual experience of potential. No words are exchanged, it’s just the sensation of communing with the Sephiroth, archangel, and planetary energy. I’m ok with that. You’ve got to be willing to let go of expectations to have the deeper experiences.
3-13-2020 My work with Kether/Metatron/Uranus continues. This work has been, by far, the most unfocused of all the work, but it makes sense because what I’m working with is really the raw potential. As a result I’m really just going with the flow of the work and trusting that it will take me where it needs to. I am noticing even more creativity and productivity when it comes to my writing.
3-15-2020 Yesterday I was given a ritual to use alongside the sphere of art for the corona virus. I’d been feeling really anxious and after I did that ritual, it helped a lot. I did it again today and it’s providing me a way to channel the anxiety I’m feeling into something constructive. I feel that this then is a good reminder that what one feels needn’t dictate what they do, but rather what is felt can be directed by what one chooses to do.
3-16-2020 I had a deeper meditation today. And this time Metatron showed up very strongly and made it clear that a lot of my work right now needs to be focused around this crisis and providing the necessary spiritual work and support that is needed. The ritual I was given is part of that work and there will be more. It’s a good reminder that this work isn’t just about my spiritual evolution, but also about this world I live in.
3-21-2020 I’ve been reminded in the last couple days that there’s been a very specific reason I’ve had experiences in the last couple of years, where I didn’t have a lot of control and why this listened was emphasized in last month’s work. It’s because of this very experience we’re all going through now. And It’s really hitting me how little control I have in this situation. I can do some things, in fact I started a brainstorming session in the magical experiments group about what could be done magically, but nonetheless it’s also been made very clear that I need to go with the current, instead of trying to fight it. I need to accept whatever comes my way and work through it instead of trying to fight it.
Uranus copy right Taylor Ellwood 2020