Feeding a Demon — Magical Experiments

Feeding a Demon

I recently started reading Tsutrim Allione's Feeding Your Demons, which presents a technique based on the Tibetan Chod ritual, where you find and locate your internal demons, stresses, etc., and you personify them and then feed them what they need, as opposed to what they want. She makes a critical distinction between want and need, arguing that a want can mask a deeper underlying need for something else. I've already started using her technique for myself. This morning I was feeling pretty need and instead of indulging in that neediness I decided to give it a shape and talk with it. It ended up being a child version of me with a huge mouth for it's torso. It told me that even when I gave it what it wanted all it really felt was an increase in emptiness. The mouth in the torso never felt satisfied and always wanted more. This made a lot of sense to me. I asked it what it needed and it said it needed love and acceptance. So I started feeding it love and it grew quieter and smaller. It's still there, but not nearly as aggravating as it can be. It's quiet...and I feel a bit more balanced. I can definitely already see the benefits of this technique, and I haven't read all the book or done all the techniques.