Daily practice

What should a daily practice of magic look like?

The other day I was asked what a daily practice of magic ought to look like, for someone who’s starting to practice magic. The answer I give is going to be general for a specific reason: I can give you some suggestions on what a practice ought to look like, but the specific practices you decide to do are your own, and should be, because what works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. I throw that in there, because as always, YOU are the authority of your life and so you should be the one to decide what you’ll do or not do.

With that said, I do have some recommendations on daily magical practice that can greatly benefit you and is really applicable across the board to anyone who is new or who has been practicing magic for a while. And if you don’t already do a daily practice, I highly recommend it because by making it a regular part of your life, you really get the benefits that are otherwise missed out on.

So what are my daily magic recommendations?