I have a confession to make. On occasion I feel burned out with my spiritual practice. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way, but confessing that you’re feeling burned out on your spiritual/magical practice can bring up a whole host of questions and doubts that makes you wonder if you’re doing it wrong or if there is something wrong with you because you’re feeling burned out. Add in a practical magic component and you may find yourself even questioning what the point is of practicing magic, especially when you don’t really seem to be feeling it.
Up until a week ago, I have felt burned out with my magical/spiritual practice. The burnout happened during the summer, when my life blew up because of a variety of both good and bad situations that occurred. Actually, scratch that…it probably started earlier, because of something we’ve all been dealing with in the last year: namely the pandemic. I think in one form or another all of us have been dealing with some form of burnout. My burnout just happened to culminate in August, shortly after I quit my job to go full time writing.