pain free — Magical Experiments blog — Magical Experiments

pain free

How to improve your communication with your body

My work with inner alchemy focuses on the health of the body, and learning how to communicate with your body better than you already do. I’m always in search of additional techniques and skills that can facilitate this process, because I find that, in general, most people have a hard time connecting with their bodies. Right now, I’m reading Pain Free by Pete Egoscue (affiliate link), which is a fascinating book that explores the structure of the body and how the body uses pain to communicate that something is wrong with the structure.

For example, when you feel pain in your foot or your hips or back, its not simply a matter of feeling pain there, but also an indication that the way your body is moving may not be quite right and that you may have muscles compensating for other muscles that aren’t being worked properly. Egoscue’s solution is elegant in that he doesn’t just provide some exercises, but really explores the underlying principles that inform how the body moves and how its intended to carry a person through the day.