
Perception, filters, and how to divine

In the magical experiments facebook group, one of the members observed that they get better results with divination when they provide themselves a map/model that allows them to filter their perception. The benefit of doing this filtration is that it allows the person to focus in on the information that is relevant, while excluding information that might be a distraction. The question that arises is: Is this the best possible way to get the most out of one’s perception of information, using divination?

It’s an interesting question to ask, especially when considering the medium through which you’re getting the information. Any divination system is already providing a filtering of sorts, because of the limitations that come with that system. If you use a pendulum, you only have so many directions that it can move and only so much information it can provide. With more advanced systems such as runes or tarot cards, more information is available, but there are still limitations because of what is presented, as well as what isn’t presented. And of course there’s another limitation often ignored, but very relevant to this question.