sigil chain technique — Magical Experiments blog — Magical Experiments

sigil chain technique

The Sigil Chain Technique

In mid June 2020, I developed the Sigil Chain technique. I created this technique because I had hit a point in my day job where I was feeling really burned out with that job and also feeling like there was no end in sight. At the same time I was also feeling frustrated with the lack of recognition my work was getting and the fact that no one wanted to interview me about my latest books. I also have some long term plans I want to realize and all of this resulted me in creating a technique so I could expedite my freedom from the day job, get some recognition and awareness for my writing and start turning my long terms plans into realities.

The first thing I did was sigilize all the known variables affecting the situation. I also included a sigil for unknown variables, just in case. As you can see in the picture above, there’s no lines connecting the sigils like you would do in my comic book sigil method or my sigil web method. The reason for that is that I wanted to make this particular sigil method non-linear, instead of linear. I thought it might prove to be an interesting experiment.