Picture courtesy Taylor Ellwood 2020
In mid June 2020, I developed the Sigil Chain technique. I created this technique because I had hit a point in my day job where I was feeling really burned out with that job and also feeling like there was no end in sight. At the same time I also wanted to raise some awareness about my latest books through podcast interviews, and about my ongoing work, so I could attract people to it that might feel a need for that work. I also have some long term plans I want to realize and all of this resulted me in creating a technique so I could expedite my freedom from the day job, get some recognition and awareness for my writing and start turning my long terms plans into realities.
The first thing I did was sigilize all the known variables affecting the situation. I also included a sigil for unknown variables, just in case. As you can see in the picture above, there’s no lines connecting the sigils like you would do in my comic book sigil method or my sigil web method. The reason for that is that I wanted to make this particular sigil method non-linear, instead of linear. I thought it might prove to be an interesting experiment.
Picture courtesy Taylor Ellwood 2020
I cut each out of the sigils out of the paper so that they were separated like in the picture above. For the next few minutes I meditated on the sigils and let my intuition guide me in terms of what order they should be put in. Then I put the sigils on my altar and did the Sphere of Art working so that I could charge the sigils with elemental, planetary, underworld, and stellar cosmos energy, as well as my own energy. After I did the SOA working, I meditated and practiced my qi gong practice, adding all of that to the fueling of the sigils.
Once I was satisfied they were charged up, I took the sigils, a brazier and a lighter and I lit the sigils on fire until they became ash. Then I took them to the edge of my property and scattered them to the winds.
The Results: Using this technique in conjunction with ongoing wealth magic workings and the SOA proved to be the necessary final push that got me the results I wanted. Within a month of the working I put in my two weeks notice at the day job, had the biggest 2 book launches I’ve ever had, and got invited on 4 podcasts to be interviewed. And this is just the initial result.
What’s most important is I have my freedom to do the work I need to do, the work I am called to do.
I created this technique so that I could chain together multiple desired results and reorganize them around in each other in any way I wanted and then fire them off, so they could go out and manifest into the world. I provide a complete explanation of how this technique works in my ultimate sigil magic course.