teleclass — Magical Experiments blog — Magical Experiments


Discount on Space/Time Magic class

Space and time are two elements of our lives that we live with and use every day. In the classic models of magic, these elements are not overtly included. In this class, I will show you how to integrate both of these elements into your magical work. You will learn why its important to factor time and space into your magical workings, as well as how the inclusion of these elements can radically change your understanding of magic. You will also learn:

  • How movement and space can be used to construct sacred space.
  • How to manifest multiple possibilities using sigils.
  • How to create a sigil web that maps your life in terms of space and time.
  • How to work with your future and past selves.
  • What time dilation techniques are and how to use them.
  • How to work with alternate selves and learn from them.
  • Free e-book version of Space/Time Magic included!
  • Free Tarot Reading included, when you sign up for this class!

Space and Time are two elements that we can’t ignore if we want to really understand magic. This class will help you take your magic to the next level.

This is an eight week class starting on August 1st from 5 pm to 6 pm PST and ending on Monday September 19th. A free e-book version of Space/Time Magic is included!

The cost for this class is now discounted to $165.00 until July 31st. You can pay via check, paypal, or credit card. If paying by credit card, contact me. Payment plans are accepted.