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This month I’m working with the Sephiroth Chesed, the archangel Tzadkiel, and the planetary energy of Jupiter, all of which plays a role in prosperity and wealth magic. And I’ve had some interesting situations come up, which are helping me reframe some of my perspectives around wealth magic. I’m also reading a book called Sacred Economics (affiliate link), which explores a different relationship with money, based around the approach of a gift economy.
I’ve been employing some wealth magic at both my job and for indie author business that I’m building with my non-fiction and fiction. I discovered this week that in September I had my first four-figure month (You typically get royalties 2 months later) and for the last few months I’ve sold books every single day. I also discovered this week that I broke 5 figures on amazon. That’s not the only platform I sell books through, but for the moment its the main one, so that makes me happy. And at work I got a 5% percent raise and a bonus, which I earned, but it really makes me happy that it happened.
I had planned at the end of December to possibly move on from my job, but I’ve had some situations come up, which may necessitate staying longer, if only because I’m a firm believer of taking calculated risks and factoring in known variables, while planning for unknown variables. Here are some of the unknown variables that came up in the last month or so. Next week I’m visiting my mom and helping her pack as she gets ready to move. Originally the trip wasn’t planned, but she realized she needed more help than she thought and so I managed to make a last minute trip work so that I could help her. And then of course there’s the everyday concerns of life and the occasional curveball such as cars needing to be worked on and cats taken to the vet and step kids needing help with the journey to become adults.
All of this combined helped me realize that it may be wiser for the moment to hold off on leaving and just continue the steady, yet inevitable journey that I am on which is leading to financial freedom for myself and my family. But during my daily meditations, archangel Tzadkiel came to me and pointed out that all of this is also a lesson in righteous wealth magic. And it got me thinking that if you look at typical wealth magic, its about the accumulation of wealth and holding onto it for dear life or only using it for yourself, perpetuating greed and scarcity at the same time. Indeed, when you hold onto something so much it becomes a form of scarcity, because you are worried you don’t have enough. But Tzadkiel pointed out to me that righteous wealth, which is part of what Chesed embodies isn’t about holding onto wealth, but distributing it so that its shared not merely with yourself, but others as well. And he helped me realize here is this situation where truly I am blessed to be able to continue working on my writing, while also being able to help the people in my life that need it, and continue to do the work I am called to do, while still being able to meet the basic material needs that must be attended to. And to me that’s a very powerful magic, because when you can manifest what you need to not just help yourself, but also others, you truly are tapped into a current of wealth that is often overlooked and ignored, but is still quite potent.
In preparing for my month long work with Chesed/Jupiter/Tzadkiel, I read William G. Gray’s excellent book Ladder of Lights (Affiliate link) and in it I found several passages that are relevant to this topic: “The greatest and most genuine benefit Jupiter can possibly give us on this Earth, is to fulfill our material necessities so that our minds and souls will be set free to seek nobler aims than drudging for a bare livelihood. Released from physical poverty, humans should go in search of spiritual wealth, but so many fail in this and fall victims for their own senseless greed for more and more material possessions…Once any living being has reached the Chesedic state of sufficiency, there should be no attempt made to stockpile more than a safety margin of surplus…In purely material terms it means that once someone attains a reasonable balance for their own standards of life, their continued efforts ought to supply others with means of achieving at least some part of this for themselves” (P. 135).
As I read that passage again, in the process of writing this article, it makes reflect further on the lesson that Tzadkiel has seen fit to provide me: Wealth is meant to be shared, when you have enough to meet your needs and help other people take a step further in their own journey to become more self-sufficient. This echoes some of what I read in Sacred Economics, which posits that an approach to money that treats it as a gift can change one’s relationship with it, because then money can be used to help uplift others and create equity in the process.
Some may consider this approach to wealth and wealth magic to be overly idealistic, but here I am, in my life, living this very situation, where I am able to help people in my life that need me because I have been blessed with more wealth. Yes, it may mean that I take a bit longer to get where I want to go (or it may not because we’ll review everything carefully and plan accordingly), but regardless of what happens, right now I am here and here I can help some people out, while continuing to manifest my dreams. What a blessing, what a gift that is.