Tzadkiel — Magical Experiments blog — Magical Experiments


Elemental Balancing Ritual Creativity Month 14

11-23-2019 I started working with Tzadkiel/Jupiter/Chesed this month. It seems particularly appropriate that I work with them this month as I’m preparing to leave my job and go into full-time indiepreneurship. I was looking up information about Tzadkiel and I came across this passage in William G. Gray’s Ladder of Lights (Affiliate link)": “The greatest and most genuine benefit Jupiter can possibly give us on this Earth, is to fulfil our material necessities so that our minds and souls will be set free to seek nobler aims than drudging for a bare livelihood.” I read that on a day where I’ve been feeling stressed about leaving my work, because some unexpected expenses have come up. Kat has reassured me we’re fine and we can stay on course.

And on that same day, today, I was writing my newsletter on the topic of how to use magic to get through tough times and I read my advice, which among other things including letting go and trusting that the journey will take you where you need to go…and point made. I’ve been holding on, resisting the very change I want and I just need to let go, especially when its clear the means have been provided that I can do so.

How to embrace and work with the shadow aspects of yourself

As I’ve been working with the Chesedic current this month, one of the elements of the work I’ve been encountered are the shadow aspects of that current, which have manifested in being more aware of my own selfishness and how that selfishness shows up in my life. I’ve also had this mirrored for me in a fiction series I’m reading, where the one character’s selfishness has really stood out to me more than it may have in the past. Yet what I’ve found most fascinating with all this is a very interesting approach to this work with the shadow aspect that’s being called forth.

What is Righteous Wealth Magic?

This month I’m working with the Sephiroth Chesed, the archangel Tzadkiel, and the planetary energy of Jupiter, all of which plays a role in prosperity and wealth magic. And I’ve had some interesting situations come up, which are helping me reframe some of my perspectives around wealth magic. I’m also reading a book called Sacred Economics (affiliate link), which explores a different relationship with money, based around the approach of a gift economy.

I’ve been employing some wealth magic at both my job and for indie author business that I’m building with my non-fiction and fiction. I discovered this week that in September I had my first four-figure month (You typically get royalties 2 months later) and for the last few months I’ve sold books every single day. I also discovered this week that I broke 5 figures on amazon. That’s not the only platform I sell books through, but for the moment its the main one, so that makes me happy.