
Why we need to be inclusive in the Pagan Community

I've never really felt like I belonged in the Pagan and occult community. Sure I write books about magic, but I've gotten a lot of flack over the years for sharing my unconventional ideas. At some point, I realized that instead of trying to fit in to the community around me, I should just create my own and that's how Magical Experiments, as a community, was born. One of the foundational principles of my community is that we are inclusive of other people. I think its important to be inclusive because when you are inclusive you open yourself up to truly learning from the experiences, differences, and similarities of other people, and as a result you grow as does your community.

In this video I share why its important to be inclusive and how it helps your community when you open your mind, heart and spirit to people from different backgrounds and experiences.

How pop culture can inspire practical magic techniques

I love pop culture and part of what I love about it is how it inspires my magical practice, especially in developing practical techniques. If you look at the pop culture you love with a critical eye toward exploring the mechanics of pop culture magic, what you can discover is how take some of the ideas and apply them to your magical work. In the video below I explain how you can go about doing this.