Welcome to the Magical Experimenters Guild.

My name is Taylor Ellwood and I help magicians get consistent and better results with their magical practice. Whether you’re just starting your magical path or you’ve been practicing for years, what I offer you is a unique and innovative vision of what magic can be, and how you can get better results when you apply curiosity and creativity to your magical practice.

This is a group experience where you get the opportunity to work with me and other magicians in a supportive community that helps you transform your magical practice, and get the results you want on a consistent basis.

Imagine being able to ask questions in a supportive environment and getting answers that provide the clarity and direction you need to advance your spiritual practice…

Discover what it would be like to have your curiosity encouraged in a space where you can share your magical work and get feedback that helps you level up…

Access the years of experience and expertise that happens when a community of magicians comes together and shares their ongoing work with each other.

You get all of that when you join the Magical Experimenters Guild. And you get even more than that. If you sign up for the Apprentice Level you’ll get the following:

  • Access to the live Zoom Monthly Magical Experiments Salon class that Taylor teaches ($97 value).

  • A once a month live Zoom group coaching session with Taylor, where he’ll answer your questions about magick and troubleshoot magical workings that aren’t getting the results that you desire ($97 Value)

  • A weekly Meditation call led by Taylor, where we go deep into our inner work together using meditation ($297 Value).

  • The Process of Magic Bundle, featuring The Process of Magic, Attraction Magic and The Principles of Magic courses ($197 value)

  • The Meditation Mastery Course ($197 value)

  • Monthly challenges to help you stretch your magical abilities and practices.

  • The Guild discount on classes that Taylor teaches throughout the year.

  • The investment is $39/month or $368/year (Save 100)

If you sign up for the Magician Level, you get all the above benefits AND these additional Benefits:

  • The Emergency Magic course ($197 value)

  • The Wealth Magic Bundle, featuring the Business Magic, Wealth Magic and Strategic Magic courses ($397 value)

  • A 50 Minute consulting session with Taylor ($400 value)

  • Two 25 Minute consulting sessions with Taylor ($200 each Value)

  • The investment is $299/month for 3 months or $899 the first year

This program only opens up three times a year. The doors close on September 27th, 2024. When you join, you’re joining a community of like-minded magicians who are experimenting with magic and helping each other get better results, while discovering what they can do with magic. Come join us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to Join for any Length of Time?

Not at all. You can join for a month and then cancel with an email. I don’t do long term contracts or penalize people leaving once they gotten what they need. With that said, I want you to stay for the long term, because this program is going to continue evolving.

When do the Monthly Calls take place?

The weekly meditation call occurs once a week during the weekday.

The Magical Experiments Salon class is scheduled for once a month and may be on a weekday or weekend.

The Monthly Troubleshooting Call occurs once a month on a weekday afternoon.

Do I have to belong to a specific Magical Tradition or System to be in this group?

No. I don’t belong to a specific magical tradition or system. I have affiliations with a couple traditions and I’ve created my own systems of magic that other practitioners use, but this group is open to anyone who has a sincere interest in magic.

Is there an age requirement to join?

I do require interested parties to be 18 years or older to join.

Are there in-person meetings or is this only an online group?

At this time its an online group, but I am open to the possibility of in-person meetings. I have hosted them in the past and they’ve been a lot of fun!

Is there anything weird or culty about the guild?

Other than the fact that we practice magic, there’s nothing weird or culty about the guild. There’s no secret handshake or special rituals you have to learn. All I ask is that you show up with a curious mind, an open heart, and a willingness to share your own love of magic with other members. You may find that other people reach out to you as you get to know each other, but that’s part of being a community.