Walking with Magical Entities is available for pre-order


Walking with Magical Entities Now Available for Pre-order!

Learn how to Create and Work with servitors, egregores, and thought forms to get consistent results.

In Walking with Magical Entities, I share my streamlined approach for creating and working with magical entities that enables you to get consistent results. I’ll show you how to design and launch entities in three phases, and how to work with them to get better results that transform your life.

Creating magical entities doesn’t have to be a complicated operation. All you need is a simple, but effective guide for determining how your entity will work and how it will get you results. This book is that guide, and in it you’ll learn the following:

  • What magical entities are and why we have a symbiotic relationship with them.

  • How to define and create your entity using the desired result as your starting point.

  • How to program the entity with the right fuel source, actions, and abilities so it can accomplish your result.

  • How to troubleshoot and revise your entity if it isn’t producing the results you want.

  • How to develop an effective relationship with your entity, where you get better results and enhance the overall quality of your life.

  • Case studies and examples of created entities with commentary on why I created them and what worked and didn’t work.

A magical entity can be one of the most powerful magical tools available to you. Learn how to create and work with magical entities, so you can get consistent results that transform your life.

How to start over with your magical practice

In last week’s blog post I shared the importance of why you are your own authority and I talked a bit about a moment when I had to start over with my spiritual path because I had gone down a rabbit hole of sorts. In this post, I want to share what that process looked like and how starting over with my spiritual practice ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.

Starting over with any discipline can be intimidating, because in one sense you really can’t start over. You have all the knowledge and experiences that brought you to the point that you’re at. You can’t erase it or wish it away. It’s part of you and so that will inform everything you do.

So how do you really start over with a spiritual practice?

The problem with authority in occultism

One of the statements I frequently make in my videos and writing is that you are the ultimate authority of your life. I go onto point out that no one else, me and other occult authors included, are the authority of your life. I make this statement for a couple very important reasons that I think need to be spelled out, because all too often people give away their own authority to someone else they deem to be a guru or spiritual master.

A person who self-proclaims themselves to be a guru or a master isn’t one at all. They are making such a proclamation from a place of ego and insecurity, and perhaps because they want power over other people. Such a person should always be regarded with skepticism and carefully tested, and perhaps ultimately avoided, because anything they offer is coming from the wrong place. The fact that they need to proclaim themselves an authority makes them suspect and even if they do offer some genuine wisdom, you will want to temper that offer carefully.

Elemental Balancing Ritual Creativity Month 20

5-22-2020 I had some vivid dreams last night around some actions and behaviors that I feel a deep sense of shame about. And in the meditation today, the focus was around not just moving to the supernal of Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth but also around working with that feeling of shame and coming to a place of forgiveness for myself…coming to a place where I wasn’t beating myself for past actions and choices but instead simply acknowledging my responsibility while forgiving myself as well. And to be clear...It’s not that I want forgiveness from anyone else, but rather that I choose to forgive myself as a deliberate action to find healing around things that I did.

5-23-2020 I decided to sign up for the cloud hands qi gong class coming up in the early part of June. I feel like it will contribute to that deeper exploration of the internal work I’m currently undergoing. This deeper internal work is allowing me to encounter some deeper blockages around shame, rejection, and other issues that I haven’t fully dealt with. This morning I had a realization about my former relationships and how rejected I felt in most of them, which contributed to my reactionary behavior around them. If I was feeling rejected in the main relationship, I’d try and go elsewhere. That in turn would reinforce the behaviors on the part of the other person, creating a vicious loop that really hurt all involved.

Fortunately I’ve managed to change that with a lot of internal work on my part and lately because I’m going deeper its giving me to chance to work on these blockages around shame and rejection that are deeply embedded and begin undoing them and forgiving myself in the process. It’s not easy work, because it really does bring me face to face with judgement, but also with compassion, which makes the supernal work around all of this perfect. I need to find the right balance of accountability and responsibility with self-forgiveness. I think I can do that with this work.

Two examples of pop culture spirits I'm working with

I’m currently engaged in three pop culture magic workings. I’m going to share two of those workings now, because it’s a good example of how working with two different pop cultures can be effective, under the right circumstances. The two workings are focused on the same goal. Each working is an evocation of a pop culture spirit that’s been chosen for strategic purposes. The pop culture spirits I’m working with are Grand Admiral Thrawn from Star Wars and Sam Bridges Porter from Death Stranding.

I’m working with Grand Admiral Thrawn because of his strategic genius and his ability to apply unconventional thinking toward solving situations. Thrawn has an appreciation of art, and uses the study of art to understand other cultures and the way those cultures behave. Thrawn also puts his community first. He doesn’t act from selfish ambition, but rather from a focus on trying to figure out how best to serve his community and put the community welfare first.

Why I integrate the mundane into the magical

I was recently asked by a reader why I emphasize integrating mundane actions into magical work, especially when no one else really seems to write about it. Doesn’t taking mundane actions defeat the point of doing magical work? Why should we marry the mundane to the magical, if magic is supposed to allow us to pull off the impossible.

I can’t speak for why other writers mostly ignore integrating the mundane into their magical work. I can tell you why I do it and write about it. I’m a very practical person in every aspect of my life, and that includes the spiritual work I do. But I also don’t really separate the mundane from the magical. The mundane actions I take are part of the magical work I do. Making a distinction between specific actions and categorizing those actions as magical or mundane ignores something pivotal to life itself: How we live our lives is informed by how we define our lives.

Do I define my life as compartmentalized sections? Or do I define my life by how I truly want to live it…a magical life where every choice and action is magical?

Why you need to work the process of magic

Sometimes, in your magical practice, you can be so caught up in the results you want that you forget something essential about your practice: that you need to work the process of your magic and worry less about the results. I found myself having this re-realization recently because I was getting fixated on a specific result and when I recognized I was getting fixated, I gently reminded myself that I needed to re-orient and focus on the process instead of the result.

Now it may seem strange to say that in the context of results based magic. After all, if you’re focused on getting a result, shouldn’t the result matter the most? That’s a good question to ask and it is fair to say that conventionally results are treated as king/queen in that context. But as I’ve learned with my practice, it can actually be more beneficial to focus less on the result and more on the process, especially when you’re engaged in long term magical work.

How I craft magical tools

One of the practices that I like to do is craft my own magical tools. The benefit of creating your own magical tools is that you have this intimate experience with the entire process where you marry the emotional, mental, spiritual associations and correspondences to the physical tool you are creating. The result is that you know that tool in a different way than one you might be. You’ve created it.

But there’s an interesting challenge with creating a magical tool. What if you don’t have the skill set to tool making tools to create a magical tool? What do you then? For instance I don’t how to work with metal, and while I have limited experience working with wood. I don’t have the tools or space to work with wood. What do you when you want to create magical tools, but can’t create them traditionally?