
Symbiosis with spirits: A perspective

My relationship with the spirits I’ve worked with has changed a lot in the 2.5 decades that I’ve been practicing magic and doubtlessly it’ll continue to change as I explore and deepen the relationships I have with the spirits. When I first started practicing magic, and connecting with spirits, the focus was on establishing a relationship and figuring out what being in a relationship with a given spirit entailed.

Later, I went through a period where I questioned my relationship with the spirits and whether they were even real. I wondered if the work I was doing was all in my head or if there was any real substance. Such doubts are good to entertain because it forces you to examine your work carefully and test and verify what you are doing.

Should we use magic against the corona virus?

I answer the question of whether or not we should do magic against the corona virus.

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Work with the corona vaccine entity:

Work with the anti-corona entity:

Copy writing, magic, and persuasion

One of the books I’m reading right now is Book Blurbs Unleashed by Robert J. Ryan (Affiliate link). I’ve been using the book to help me improve my copywriting skills, when it comes to developing book blurbs. A book blurb is a description about a book that gives you an idea of what the book is about, but also is written to persuade a person to give the book a chance. Anytime you read the back cover of a book or a description in an online store, you’re reading a blurb.

I’m okay at writing non-fiction blurbs. They’re pretty easy to write because you’re presenting a just the facts explanation about what the book is about. But with fiction blurbs I’ve struggled because I’ve never written them before. I picked up Book Blurbs Unleashed, because I knew I needed some help crafting a good fiction blurb.

My inner alchemical and magical work with the corona virus

I discuss the inner alchemical and magical work I'm doing in relationship to the corona virus and share some other thoughts on what we must all do to get through this time.

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On-going experiments with magical tools

A lot of my magical work, of late, has involved the use of magical tools. In the past, I’ve gone through periods of time where I’ve been very minimalistic in my use of magic tools, but as with anything else, I find it useful to change up my routines, especially if there is justification in making the switch. Over the course of the last year I’ve been working with alchemical substances and pentacles and I thought I’d share an update focused on around how I’m using these tools and how that usage is evolving because of the work I’m doing.

The power of what you say and write

I recently finished reading The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie (affiliate link) and one of the things that intrigued me about the book was the author’s focus on the power of words. In the book, the gods have to be careful what words they speak, because if they speak something and it’s not true, it drains away their power, because their power is trying to make it true. Whereas if they speak the truth, then the words channel their power and makes what they say real.

It’s an interesting rule for that world, but it made me think about the power of what we say and write. My next non-fiction project is The Magic of Writing, which explores how writing can be used as a magical tool, but also explores the power of the word in general. One of the ways I have explored the power of the word is through how what is written or said does have an effect on one’s life.

Elemental Balancing Ritual Creativity Month 16

1-22-2020 Tonight I connected with Ratziel/Chockmah/Neptune. I know Neptune isn’t traditionally associated with Chockmah, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense, when you consider that Chockmah is both wisdom and pressure. Chockmah fine tunes everything and when I consider that seat salt is the alchemical substance associated with Chockmah as well as my previous experiences with the planetary energy of Neptune, it seems to make a lot of sense. Ironically, William G. Gray doesn’t set a lot of store by associating Neptune with Chockmah, though he notes its done by modern day quabalists. The irony is that his own explanation of Chockmah and Ratziel completely supports the connection, but it makes me wonder if ever worked with the planetary energy of Neptune.

Ratziel also showed up and what was interesting is that she made it a point to show me how Chockmah and Binah connect and work together. I felt suspended between the saturnic energy of Binah and the Neptunic energy of Chockmah and I felt how that balance played off each other and strengthened each other. It also gave me ideas about where to take this work next. Feeling balanced between both forces made me realize how essential this work is because in finding this balance, I’m also creating opportunities to deepen my connections with the powers and work with the more holistically. There’s a lot more to share, but I’ll do it once I’ve had more time to process the experience and research I’m doing for this month.

Endarkenment Ponderings and Experiences

I decided to take a class taught by Anastacia Nutt, called Endarkenment, which explores the process of settling into the rhythms of winter, among other things. I thought I would share here my notes and observations. I’ve purposely kept this post separate from the elemental balancing work, because it is its own thing and I want to honor it as such.

12-16-2019 I got sick a couple days before the endarkenment class started and on the day before, I lay in my bed, in the dark, feverish and afraid of the dark and yet opening myself to it nonetheless and letting it fill me. It felt a lot like stillness, like a sense of timeless infinity that poured through the entirety of my being and reminded me of how small I am and yet how intricately woven I am into this thread of life.

How I worked with 3 spirits to help me get back to health

3 weeks ago I got sick with a fever and although I broke that fever, shortly after I came down with a cold. I normally recover from sickness fast, because I have a specific regime of activities I do which include Dragon and Tiger Medical Qi Gong, as well as Reiki, and mundane resources such as medicine, and expelling everything that needs to get out. But this time around, perhaps because I’m in peak season at work, nothing was really working, or rather it was mitigating the symptoms, but not resolving the illness. On Wednesday night of last week I decided it was time to draw upon some additional help.

I first started by invoking the Daemons Verrier and Verrine. I first learned about these spirits from S. Connolly’s The complete book of demonolatry (affiliate link), and I’ve worked with them a few times, for health magic, both in regards to myself and other people. I asked them if they could help me get to the source of the illness and heal and expunge it from my body and they agreed. Shortly after I started coughing a lot more, but this was good because it allowed me to clear out the infectious mucus that had been stuck in my respiratory system.

What do you need to design a magical working?

One of the questions I get asked is what does a person need, in order to be able to design their own magical working. It’s a good question to ask, because designing a magical working does have some requirements, which can make a difference in developing an effective magical working or system of magic that gets results. However the usual suspects of magical tools, spells, etc., that people think they need in order to design a magical working or a system aren’t necessarily what you need.